Kodikos akinetoy: 16-TER-126 - THermaikos Peraia POLEITAI anakainismene epiplomene gkarsoniera/studio ston 1 o oropho synolikes epiphaneias 25 t.m. mono 30 metra apo te thalassa. Apoteleitai apo salokoyzina, mpanio . Einai kataskeyasmene to 2000 me energeiake klase G kai anakainisteke to 2023. Diathetei koyphomata synthetika, patomata apo plakaki, porta asphaleias, ntoylapes, prosbase AMEA, parkingk, A/C, elektrikes syskeyes - Time: 75.000 €
In the center of Perea and only 30m from the beach theres this fully renovated and equpped studio , ideal for BnB business with an annual R.I.O 5%