Kodikos akinetoy: 641514
Itea PHlorinas POLEITAI Monokatoikia synolikoy embadoy 422,11 t.m.Apoteloymene apo isogeio embadoy 112,74 t.m.A oropho embadoy 104,37 t.m., isogeio gkaraz embadoy 15,00 t.m. kai dyo apothekes isogeioy embadoy 160 t.m. kai 30,00 t.m. antistoicha, epi oikopedoy ektases 770,62 t.m. To akineto einai misthomeno mechri kai 31/12/2026 me meniaio misthoma € 415. To akineto poleitai choris dynatoteta episkepses.Brisketai 10 chlm. apo ten pole tes PHlorinas
Time: 146.000 €-Eimaste ste diathese sas gia na sas boethesoyme na breite to idaniko akineto gia tis anagkes sas! -E these toy akinetoy sto charte echei topothetethei kata proseggise. -E akribes dieythynse toy parechetai kata ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy. -Gia ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy einai aparaitete e ypodeixe tes astynomikes taytotetas kai toy A.PH.M. sas symphona me ton N.4072/11-4-2012 PHEK 86 A.