Kodikos akinetoy: 27554 - Glyphada Aixone POLEITAI diamerisma 2 epipedon synolikes epiphaneias 156.00 t.m. . Apoteleitai apo 3 ypnodomatia, 2 salonia, koyzina, 2 mpania kai WC. H kataskeye xekinese to 2024 me energeiake klase kai diathetei thermanse antlia thermotetas, thea se anoichto orizonta, koyphomata aloyminioy, xylina patomata, porta , anelkystera, apotheke , A/C, thermanse ana epipedo, synagermo, sites, dipla tzamia, eliako thermosiphona, boiler, Roof Garden, photoboltaika, doryphorike keraia, thyroteleorase, nychterino reyma, esoterike skala, mpalkonia 10 t.m. - Time: 1.150.000 €
Glyphada Aixone kataplektike mezoneta - diamerisma 156t.m. poy aplonetai se dyo epipeda 4oy & 5oy orophoy, me thea ste thalassa, apokleistike chrese domatos me spa, minimal kai monterno schediasmo, ypseles aisthetikes kai sygchronos choros diabioses. Brisketai se perizetete topothesia, mia ekleptysmene geitonia, poly konta sten agora, to emporiko kentro tes Glyphadas, scholeia, market. To diamerisma diathetei:
- 3 ypnodomatia, to ena master en suite mpanio, ston 4o oropho, ntoylapes me mechanismoys,
-Eniaias diarrythmises saloni me eyrychore trapezaria ston 5o oropho
-Dapeda xyloy ypseles poiotetas.
-Monterna koyzina open plan me island proinoy
-2 mpania me entoichismena eide ygieines.
-Megales berantes. , me aphthonia physikoy photos .
Prosthetes paroches kai technologies
-Bioklimatikos schediasmos
- Dynatoteta smart home
-Anexarteta systemata klimatismoy, eliakos thermosiphonas, antlia thermotetas
-Endodapedia thermanse,
-asanser, optike ina, Doryphorike
-Energeiaka koyphomata aloyminioy minimal
- systema pyranichneyses, proegkatastase synagermoy
-LED photismos
-PHotoboltaika panel
-Apotheke. kai these stathmeyses me paroche phortises elektrikoy aytokinetoy. kai polles alles paroches
Energeiake kategoria: A+