Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling
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Landwirtschaftliche Fläche zur Verkauf

Nea Tirintha
€ 90.000
8.700 m²


Anzeige aktualisiert am: 25.06.2024

Referenz: EK-2736887

Πωλείται κτήμα 10 στρεμμάτων με γεώτρηση, περιλαμβάνει 20 ελαιόδεντρα, στην περιοχή του Αγίου Αδριανού. Το κτήμα είναι κατάλληλο τόσο για αγροτική εκμετάλλευση όσο και για ανοικοδόμηση ιδιωτικής κατοικίας ή και τουριστικού καταλύματος με την νοοτροπία κυρίως του αγροτουριστικού θέρετρου.

Land for sale of 10 acres with drilling, includes 20 olive trees, in the area of Agios Adrianos. The property is suitable both for agricultural exploitation and for the construction of a private house or tourist accommodation with the mentality of mainly the agritourism resort.
Landwirtschaftliches Grundstück
8.700 m²
Straßenzufahrt/zahlungspflichtiges Wegerecht
Auf der Autobahn
Andere Merkmale
  • Darstellung Süden, Osten
€ 90.000
Preis pro m²
10 €/m²
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