Mezoneta Pros Polese, orophos: Ypogeio, Isogeio, 1os (3 Epipeda), sten perioche: Kephisia - Strophyli. To embadon toy akinetoy einai 185 t.m., kepos 400 tm, grapheio. Apoteleitai apo: 3 Y/D (1 Master), 3 mpanio/a, 1 wc, eno diathetei 1 theseis stathmeyses (1 Se ypogeio choro). Echei kataskeyastei to 2024. E thermanse toy akinetoy einai Atomike me Antlia thermotetas, eno epises diatithetai Endodapedia thermanse, THermanse ana epipedo, Klimatismos, Boiler, Echomonose, THermomonose, echei koyphomata Aloyminioy, THermodiakoptomena me Dipla - Energeiaka tzamia, energeiako pistopoietiko: A+ kai ta dapeda einai: Xylo. E katastase toy einai: Neodmeto, Ypo schediasmo, echei thea Prasino. To akineto einai Prosopseos, PHoteino, Diamperes, Polyteles kai epises diathetei ta parakato charakteristika kai pleonektemata: Sites, Asanser, Apotheke, Esoterike skala, Pisina, Kepos, Porta Asphaleias, THyroteleorase, Synagermos, Kameres Asphaleias, Internet, Playroom, Aytomato Potisma, Gkazon, Dentra, Epitrepontai Katoikidia, Esyche geitonia, Optike ina, Domatio yperesias. Time: €1.250.000. CCRE GROUP , Telephono Epikoinonias: 2130223537, email:, website: