Apokleistika apo ten RE/MAX PHoteino Retire Pros Polese, orophos: 6os. To embadon toy akinetoy einai 145 t.m.. Apoteleitai apo: 3 Y/D, 1 mpanio 1 wc. Echei kataskeyastei to 1974. E thermanse toy akinetoy einai Kentrike me Petrelaio alla echei perastei physiko aerio sten polykatoikia gia aytonome thermanse, epises diatithetai 4 Klimatistika, Eliako thermosiphona , echei koyphomata Aloyminioy me Dipla tzamia kai ta perissotera apo ayta diathetoyn elektrika patzoyria, ta elektrika kai ydraylika toy echoyn allachtei to 2000, ta dapeda einai: Xylo, Marmaro kai epises diathetei ta parakato charakteristika kai pleonektemata: thea Akropole, megales berantes, triphasiko reyma Sites, Tentes, Asanser, Porta Asphaleias. Time: €235.000. RE/MAX Cosmos, Telephono Epikoinonias: 2109511130, email: info@remaxcosmos.gr, p.zampazas@gmail.com, website: www.remaxcosmos.gr