Moschato Kentro Diamerisma 108 tm., A orophoy kai teleytaioy kataskeyes 1965 kai polytelos me idiaitere aisthetike anakataskeyasmeno to 2015. Apoteleitai apo 2 y/d kai ena grapheio, wc, mpanio me tzakoyzi. Diathetei atomike thermanse physikoy aerioy, eliako, aloyminia, dipla tzamia, sites, tzaki, elektrika rola, paroche me triphasiko kai nychterino reyma, apotheke, thyroteleorase, synagermos me kameres, porta asphaleias. Diatithetai me olo ton oikiako exoplismo, o opoios perilambanei kai tis elektrikes syskeyes. To akineto brisketai se esyche geitonia, entos agoras, scholeion, Trapezon, Nosokomeio Metropolitan, plesion paraliakes me prosbase se ola ta mesa metaphoras (tram, elektrikos siderodromos, leophoreiakes grammes) me kateythynse pros Peiraia, Kentro Athenas, Aerodromio, paraliake perioche. Moschato Center Apartment 108 sq.m., 1st floor and last one, built in 1965 and luxuriously with special aesthetics reconstructed in 2015. It consists of 2 bedrooms and an office, wc, bathroom with Jacuzzi. It has individual natural gas heating, solar, aluminum, double glazing, screens, fireplace, electric shutters, supply with three-phase and night current, storage room, intercom, alarm with cameras, security door. It is available with all household equipment, which includes electrical appliances. The property is located in a quiet neighborhood, within the market, schools, banks, Metropolitan Hospital, near the beach with access to all means of transport (tram, electric railway, bus lines) in the direction of Piraeus, Athens Center, Airport, beach area.