6 Ergebnisse für:

Immobilienagenturen in Githeio

  • Selected Real Estate
    Selected Real Estate
    • Auf Indomio.gr seit 2 Jahren

    Perifereiaki Gytheioy, Anatoliki Mani 23200 - Γύθειο

    -Η εταιρεία μας, δραστηριοποιείται στον νομό Αττικής και πιο συγκεκριμένα, κέντρο Αθήνας, Βόρεια Προάστια, Νότια Προάστια, Δυτικά Προάστια, νησιά Αργοσαρωνικού και του νομού Λακωνίας. Διαθέτει χαρτοφυλάκιο για οικιστικά, εμπορικά, επαγγελματικά ακίνητα, ξενοδοχεία και οικόπεδα. Επίσης διαθέτει ακίνητα που για λόγους ιδιωτικότητας δεν προβάλλονται μέσω του διαδικτύου. Μία ομάδα συμβούλων ακινήτων, οικονομολόγων, μηχανικών, δικηγόρων και συμβολαιογράφων είναι στη διάθεσή σας για να προσφέρουν την βοήθειά τους. Μπορείτε να αναθέσετε το ακίνητό σας στην εταιρεία μας.

  • Immo-Laconia

    Mavrovouni Ktirakia, GR-23200 Gythio - Γύθειο

    As service provider, we are much more than just a real estate agency. Agents can act as both listing and buyer's agents (known as dual agency), though typically not for the same transaction because that can create a conflict of interest. Immo-Laconia offers you the right service - a professional, correct, friendly and personal service, tailored to your specific requirements when buying or selling property in the region of Laconia in the beautiful south of Greece. We act and reepresent property sellers as well as property buyers on a commission basis. We are here for you from your first contact through to completion and beyond. You will receive comprehensive advice and support throughout the entire process of buying or selling a property. Even if you did not find your dream property through us, but through another agent or on your own, you can still use our services to complete the purchase. We also offer all sorts of other bureaucratic services, such as settling an estate. We will be happy to assist you and help you protect your interests, including the necessary re-registration at the tax offce, land registry, utility companies, etc.



    The main activity of Restart Properties Real Estate is the provision of integrated Real Estate and Consulting services. Our aim is to provide vertical value-added services, both in terms of real estate sales and investment opportunities through subsidized European NSRF programs. Our many years of experience, our well-trained associates, our deep knowledge of the market and the personalization of the needs of each of our customers, are a guarantee for every potential investor.

  • Documenta Office
    Documenta Office


    Πολυχώρος εξυπηρέτησης πολιτών για υποθέσεις ιδιωτικού και δημοσίου τομέα. Επιπρόσθετα παρέχουμε υπηρεσίες στο τομέα της μεσιτείας ακινήτων, airbnb, ασφάλειες, Service Η/Υ

  • Action Estate
    Action Estate

    Leoforos Vasileos Georgioy, 33, Gytheio Ellada, 23200 - Γύθειο

    In Action Estate, thanks to our experience and the constant research we conduct, can help you take the right decisions about any property you want to buy or sell. You can be sure that the result will reward you for the trust you showed us. We have also cooperation with bank institutions and we can help you take any loan you may need.


    selinitsa - Γύθειο
