123 Ergebnisse für:

Immobilienagenturen in Athener Zentrum


    AMERIKIS 10 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    DTH real estate is undertaking business in the area of traditional real estate services, emphasising and specialising in the development of commercial retail chains, as well as in the negotiating and advisory services. With continuous presence in the specific area since 1993, we have achieved a large number of entrepreneurs, traders and property owners to rely on our skills, effectiveness and specialized knowledge, so as for them to benefit of the trends and opportunities given by the real estate market.


    PANEPISTIMIOU 69 - Κέντρο Αθήνας



    Mavrokordatou 9, Athens 10678 - Κέντρο Αθήνας


  • Prisma hellas EE
    Prisma hellas EE
    • Auf Indomio.gr seit 1 Jahr

    Aioloy, 104, Athina Ellada, 10564 - Κέντρο Αθήνας


  • Complete Property Solutions
    Complete Property Solutions

    Veranzeroy, 34, Athina Ellada, 10432 - Κέντρο Αθήνας



    Plateia Omonoias 16, Athina 10551 - Κέντρο Αθήνας



    Apollonos 5, 5th Floor, Athens, 10557 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    North America's leader in Greek language consulting services. ICS helps you buy, sell, and manage your properties in Greece.

  • ikon properties
    ikon properties

    Voukourestiou 15 Athens - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Our office is fresh as a firm and its approach, but still established after the long experience of our people. This experience makes us know that, if there is such a service that is valuable in properties and real estate, it's the “care” for each and every need, dream, or investment of every person who seeks to acquire, to sell or to manage a property. Because our times are not easy. In our times, the time we consume makes it rare, and the «icon» dominates our fast pacing life and leads our decisions - iKoN In our times, our space is our statement on creation. The space we live in is our “home” (IKON in ancient Greek), that ensures our safety and prosperity. - iKoN In our times, luxury in our lives is to choose your “icon” and your “IKON” (personal space-home) such, that can be you! iKoN Properties For our team, the leading role does not belong to the property. Belongs to YOU. As a customer, you are special and important to us, as much as you are for your self. Whether, for use or investment, the space you choose is the “icon” of your importance. It’s the luxury you deserve. That space, we have the duty to help you locate it, and to coordinate every single and nessesary action, to assist you have it, in the most affordable cost. CALL US NOW, because: In iKoN Properties we don’t "present": We Understand. In iKoN Properties we don’t "mediate": We coordinate. In iKoN Properties the luxury you personally deserve: Floursihes

  • FINDERS Tailor Μade Investements
    FINDERS Tailor Μade Investements

    3is Septemvriou 17 Athens, Athens, 10432 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    • FINDERS is operating in the Greek real estate market for more than 5 years achieving great knowledge of the local market and its trends. • Purchasing a property through FINDERS is faster, safer and “cleaner” than any other transaction on the market. • More than 30 professionals working in 3 branches: Tel Aviv, Athens, Crete. • FINDERS works with the best of the leading experts in all the fields related to the company's activities: lawyers, accountants, contractors, engineers, architects, financial managers and real estate agents. • FINDERS has a strong network and reliable relationships with all Greek banks, which have a significant advantage of buying their assets after doing all of the necessary due diligence legalizing the properties. • FINDERS has a database of over 2,500 properties after physical test of each of them. • FINDERS has established a large fund "InGreece" directed for Israeli private investors looking to invest in the Greek real estate market, focusing on investments in central Athens. • Τhe company is well acquainted with the various areas in Athens and the city’s future development programs. We can point to the assets with a high potential for significant value increase. • A deep acquaintance with the legal framework and the bureaucracy needed for property purchase.

  • Cobalt SPI
    Cobalt SPI

    Leoforos Venizeloy Eleytherioy 39 Athina, 10564 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Cobalt SPI is a forward-thinking and innovative real estate advisory firm. Past experience in building facilities planning, in architectural design and construction site supervision, all the way to (re-) development of real estate, along with specialist knowledge in real estate, equips us to advise and support our clients in the best way in their real estate investment endeavors: starting at the strategic choice of asset class, location, ticket size, and investment vehicle at the point of project acquisition, to increasing project value with targeted choices and, finally, to capitalizing on the above and market growth at the time of exiting. Our purpose is to advise clients to make the most of their real estate and we do that by offering quality brokerage services towards the purchase, holding and sale of commercial real estate assets worth having. At Cobalt SPI: * We understand our clients' needs * We have extensive experience and knowledge of the local market * We approach each project specifically and uniquely

  • Aris Real Estate
    Aris Real Estate
    • Auf Indomio.gr seit 1 Jahr

    Athina, Attiki Ellada - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Όταν το πάθος μας μετατράπηκε σε επάγγελμα δημιουργήθηκε η Aris Real Estate. Στόχος μας η εξατομικευμένη και άμεση εξυπηρέτηση των πελατών μας. Είμαστε δίπλα σας σε κάθε βήμα, ώστε μαζί να βρούμε το σπίτι των ονείρων σας ή την επενδυτική ευκαιρία που αναζητείτε. Συστήματα Συναγερμού Έχουμε πλήρη επίγνωση της ασφάλειας που θέλει να αισθάνεται κάθε οικογένεια στην καινούρια της κατοικία για αυτό έχουμε βρει λύσεις με πλήρως αυτοματοποιημένα συστήματα συναγερμού τελευταίας τεχνολογίας παρέχοντας την μέγιστη δυνατή ασφάλεια. Θα χαρούμε πολύ να σας εξυπηρετήσουμε και να βρούμε την κατάλληλη λύση και για το δικό σας ακίνητο μέσω των αδειοδοτημένων συνεργατών μας από το Υπουργείο Δημοσίας Τάξης. When our passion turned into a profession, Aris Real Estate was created. Our goal is personalized and direct service to our customers. We are by your side every step of the way, so that together we can find the home of your dreams or the investment opportunity you are looking for. We are fully aware of the security that every family wants to feel in their new home, that's why we have found solutions with fully automated state-of-the-art alarm systems providing the maximum possible security. We will be very happy to serve you and find the right solution for your property through our licensed partners from the Ministry of Public Order.


    Xenofontos - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Real Estate Development

  • Momentum Properties
    Momentum Properties

    Amerikis, 21, Athina Ellada, 10672 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Momentum Properties Real Estate offers high-quality real estate services using a wide range of Greek and International clientele, towards the best possible management of your commercial or residential property, with responsibility and professionalism.

  • MYKONOS FEELINGS Properties & Services
    MYKONOS FEELINGS Properties & Services

    Kolokotroni 3 , Athens 10562 Greece - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    MYKONOS FEELINGS Properties & Services was formed in 2014, aiming to become the Leader Villa Rental & Villa Sales Specialist on the island of Mykonos. Mykonos FEELINGS is a subsidiary of GO GLOBAL TRAVEL &; REAL ESTATE CONSULTANTS NETWORK, one of Europe's most reputable Travel Management & Real Estate Companies. Τhinking of investing in a dream property in Mykonos ? MYKONOS FEELINGS is your one stop service partner throughout the purchase process . MYKONOS FEELINGS team can assist you to choose the property that best suites your criteria and guide you all the way throughout the purchase process , taking care of local bureaucracy procedures on your behalf. After you have bought your dream property , MYKONOS FEELINGS can take care of your property's management and property rentals should you wish to do so . Finally if you ever consider selling your property , MYKONOS FEELINGS is your one way stop service partner throughout the sale process . Our Real Estate Investment services include the following: Investment Services -Thorough evaluation & presentation of all properties of Mykonos real estate market that meet your criteria -Organisation of property site inspections. -Indepth search on local property prices & determination of the fair property price that help you make a realistic offer for the property of your interest. -Guidance throughout the entire purchase process, proposing the services of other experienced legal, financial and design professionals. -Bureaucracy & paperwork handling on your behalf in order for the purchase process to be copmpleted correctly & on time. Property Management Services -Provision of Housekeeping services such as house cleaning, payment of taxes, gas, electricity, telephone bills on your behalf. -Ordinary maintenance (cleaning and checking of the equipment, garden,pool and general inspection and repairs) as well as extraordinary maintenance and emergency cases (repairs, reconstruction, emergencies in general). -Property renovation & longscale maintenance works , in co-operation with established architects & construction companies. -Property security for your property to be protected 24/7. -Property Insurance for your property to be covered against all incidents & possible dangers. Property Rental Services -Property marketing including online & offline listing of your property in more than 100 Vacation Rental Agents throughout the world. -Price &availability Management of your bookings. -Welcome of Renters upon arrival and departure. -Daily Property inspection throughout the rental period , to ensure that renters respect the property and keep it in well standing. -Provision of Premium Concierge Services to Renters throughout their stay at your property. Property Sale Services -Property appraisal by Chartered Real Estate Consultants to determine your property's current market value. -Professional photo shooting of the property & design of the appropriate marketing material. -Implementation of an international marketing strategy including luxury real estate agents and magazine advertisements for your property. -Organization of property viewings for your property with prospective buyers. -Bureaucracy & paperwork handling on your behalf in order for the sale process to be completed correctly & on time.

  • Omega Real Estate
    Omega Real Estate

    Καλωσορίσατε στο Omega Real Estate. Το Omega Real Estate είναι ένα οικογενειακό μεσιτικό γραφείο με έδρα την Αττική και δραστηριότητα σε όλη την Ελλάδα. Με πολυετή εμπειρία και βαθιά γνώση της ελληνικής κτηματαγοράς, προσφέρουμε ολοκληρωμένες υπηρεσίες για την αγορά, πώληση και ενοικίαση ακινήτων, προσαρμοσμένες στις ανάγκες κάθε πελάτη μας. Ένα από τα ισχυρά μας πλεονεκτήματα είναι οι σταθερές συνεργασίες μας με καταξιωμένους επαγγελματίες, όπως δικηγόρους, συμβολαιογράφους, πολιτικούς μηχανικούς και φοροτεχνικούς. Αυτοί οι συνεργάτες μάς επιτρέπουν να εξασφαλίζουμε ολοκληρωμένες και αξιόπιστες λύσεις, διασφαλίζοντας την ομαλή και αποτελεσματική ολοκλήρωση κάθε συναλλαγής, από τη νομική και συμβολαιογραφική υποστήριξη έως τον τεχνικό έλεγχο. Στο Omega Real Estate πιστεύουμε στην προσωπική και ανθρώπινη προσέγγιση. Είμαστε δίπλα σε κάθε πελάτη μας, ακούμε τις ανάγκες του και τον υποστηρίζουμε με υπευθυνότητα και ειλικρίνεια σε κάθε βήμα της διαδικασίας. Ο οικογενειακός μας χαρακτήρας εγγυάται μια φιλική συνεργασία, ενώ η επαγγελματική μας εξειδίκευση, μαζί με το δίκτυο έμπιστων συνεργατών μας, διασφαλίζουν αποτελέσματα που καλύπτουν κάθε προσδοκία. Είτε ενδιαφέρεστε για την πώληση του ακινήτου σας, είτε αναζητάτε το ιδανικό σπίτι ή επενδυτική ευκαιρία, το Omega Real Estate είναι εδώ για να κάνει το ταξίδι αυτό εύκολο και ευχάριστο. Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας για να ξεκινήσουμε μαζί τη δική σας κτηματομεσιτική εμπειρία με την υπογραφή του Omega Real Estate


    Athina, Attiki Ellada - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Στο γραφείο μας έχουμε ως κύρια προτεραιότητα την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση και ικανοποίηση των αιτημάτων των πελατών μας. Η πολυετής εμπειρία μας στο χώρο των ακινήτων, η συνέπεια και ο επαγγελματισμός μας μπορούν να εγγυηθούν ιδανικές προτάσεις και λύσεις για την πώληση, την αγορά ή την ενοικίαση του ακινήτου που επιθυμείτε.

  • Agentur

    Agioy Markoy, 11, Athina Ellada, 10560 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Μεσιτικό γραφείο


    Vasileos Georgioy A' 1, Athina 10563 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    - The World's Leading Luxury Real Estate Brand Supported by the esteemed art business, MENTOR International Real Estate is a global network offering exclusive home and luxury real estate services to buyers and sellers worldwide. Unprecedented Global Reach The MENTOR International Real Estate network receives millions of online visits each year from discerning international homebuyers. MENTOR International Real Estate’s property experts are trusted advisors in the art of connecting buyers and sellers of the world’s finest homes. Much like the industry-leading art and luxury goods specialists at OPERA ART GALLERY ,OIA.SANTORINI, our real estate specialists embrace the core values of passionate expertise, discretion, and exceptional client service in their thoughtful, analytical approach to the resale and development of high-end real estate. Through our world-class marketing platform, collaboration with OPERA ART GALLERY auction house, and our exclusive invitation-only network of the world’s top real estate brokerages, we deliver the same tailored, trusted service that MENTOR clients have depended on for more than 33 years. Our New York real estate brokerage is located in our flagship real estate showroom at MENTOR U.S. headquarters at Rockefeller Center. We also have corporate offices in WARSZAWA, LONDON, HONG KONG, MOSCOW, ALBANIA, BERLIN, LOS ANGELES, CHICAGO, and ATHENS and affiliate offices in 11 countries around the world.

  • Brisko Spiti
    Brisko Spiti

    Parnassoy, 2, Athina Ellada, 10561 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Ενοικίαση και πώληση ακινήτων

    • Auf Indomio.gr seit 2 Jahren

    Eyripidoy, 6, Athina Ellada, 10559 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Helping buyers and sellers in Athens and Western-part of Greece (Lefkada, Meganisi, Paleros, Preveza etc) with all their real estate needs since 2018! Confident, self-motivated and highly analytical professional with a common-sense approach, which conducts brokerage services for Buyers & Sellers in all aspects of commercial real estate including retail, office, industrial, single and multi-family development and land. Always at your disposal, Contact Us!

  • Nest Seekers Greece
    Nest Seekers Greece
    • Auf Indomio.gr seit 1 Jahr

    Voukourestiou, 18, Athens Greece, 10671 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Nest Seekers International is a game-changing firm in the rapidly expanding global real estate marketplace. The firm’s hybrid tech & brand enabled model has inspired a new wave of thinking in the industry, and its approach to daring and unconventional marketing has elevated and revolutionized the way people think of real estate. Nest Seekers International continues to expand with 35 offices and more than 2000 team members around the globe. Based in in Manhattan, London, Beverly Hills, Brooklyn, Long Island City, The Hamptons, New Jersey, Miami, Greece and Asia, Nest Seekers International has emerged as a leading international real estate firm. It has established itself as brilliant marketer of New Developments and it continues to represent some of the most spectacular properties in the world and the most sophisticated buyers and investors. The firm was established by founder Eddie Shapiro in 2001. He continues to lead the firm and carry out its vision as President & CEO along with a growing management team of likeminded individuals. Nest Seekers professionals are frequently featured as experts on highest rated media outlets such as CNBC, BBC, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and on real estate reality shows. Aspirational and mid to high net worth consumers rely on familiar and trusted brands that share similar principals and identity. Nest Seekers’ mission is to take what it has established in New York, New Jersey, the Hamptons, Los Angeles, Miami, London and cross connect it with the rest of the key metro megacities of the world such as Paris, Monaco, Berlin, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Geneva, Paris, Dubai, Sydney, Cape Town, Rio, Tel Aviv, Moscow, Athens and more through a smart technology platform that will revolutionize efficiency, quality, conversions and solidify it as the primary solution for high quality real estate services. Creativity, ingenuity, quality and passion in service are the fundamentals to our success and growth.

  • Vlantos Real Estate
    Vlantos Real Estate
    • Auf Indomio.gr seit 1 Jahr

    Stadioy, 7, Athina Ellada, 10562 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Vlantos Real Estate is a reputable real estate agency that has been providing specialized real estate services since 2002. With a strong focus on commercial real estate, we have established ourselves as experts in this field. We are an agency with a proven track record of delivering efficient and fast real estate services. With our expertise in commercial real estate, we can help you navigate the complexities of the market and achieve your real estate goals.


    Othonos, 6, Athens Greece, 10557 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    V² DEVELOPMENT is the No.1 Development Company in Greece since 1962. Being the No.1 Development company in Greece, V² DEVELOPMENT has sold of over 8,000 real estate assets, covering 4.8 million square meters across residential, commercial, hospitality, and logistics sectors. As the leader in Greece’s residential real estate sector, V² DEVELOPMENT stands as a pillar of corporate success, driving both domestic growth and international investment. The company played a key role in shaping Greece’s Golden Visa program, attracting foreign capital and reinforcing the country’s economic recovery.


    Panepistimioy, 56, Athina Ellada, 10678 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    REAL ESTATE AGENCY Our agency manages luxury properties for our clients in Central Athens and on the Athenian Riviera.

  • Kanakis real estate and management
    Kanakis real estate and management

    Nikitara, 8, Athina Ellada, 10678 - Κέντρο Αθήνας

    Μεσιτικό γραφείο Πωλήσεις ακινήτων - επαγγελματικών χώρων - οικοπέδων - αγροτεμαχίων σε όλη την Ελλάδα. Ενοικιάσεις Πλατφόρμες βραχυχρόνιας μίσθωσης Διαχείριση πολυκατοικιών Έκδοση κοινοχρήστων Ανακαινίσεις Κατασκευές