Immobilienagenturen in der Provinz von Thessaloniki - Gemeinde
- Stavros Ioannidis Real Estate
Vilara, 7, Thessaloniki Ellada, 54625 - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
Stavros Ioannidis completed his studies in economics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which had the honor of serving as a member of the senate, the highest governing body of the university. After his studies he worked at the Property Development and Management Company of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he was involved in project management, while maintaining his private office of financial and statistical analysis. Getting advantage of the experience gained from property management and working in financial sector, he followed the family tradition in the field of real estate, and took over the construction office founded by his father in 1958, turning it into a modern real estate brokerage. We offer a variety of real estate services such as: • Sales and leases of real estate (residential and commercial premises) and land • Real estate management, valuation and promotion • Representation of buyers and sellers • Trading and transaction service • Real estate renovations • Financial services • Engineering and legal consulting services • Εnergy products (electricity and gas) In recent years we have negotiated real estate worth hundreds of millions. We have offered our services to more than 700 clients, including individuals, investors and constructors. We have completed dozens of renovations and landscaping in the private and public sector. Professionalism, discretion and confidentiality characterize the way our office operates. We stand by your side in every transaction related to your property, existing and future. You just have to trust on us.
- spiti365
Egnatia 125, City Center - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
In Thessaloniki and especially in the center of the city, our company can provide you exemplary real estate services!
- Auf seit 1 Jahr
Egnatia, 38, Thessaloniki Ellada, 54625 - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
The company AnthimiadisEstate is a reliable real estate agency specializing in providing real estate services to professional and private clients.
Sokratoys, 3, Thessaloniki Ellada, 54635 - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
H εταιρεία Citybuild δραστηριοποιείται στον χώρο της κτηματαγοράς και κατασκευής ακινήτων. Αποτελείται από μια ομάδα έμπειρων επαγγελματιών του χώρου που μπορούν να αναγνωρίσουν τις ξεχωριστές ανάγκες του κάθε πελάτη. Με γνώμονα την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση σας και παραμένοντας πάντα πιστοί στις αξίες μας δεσμευόμαστε να βρούμε την καλύτερη δυνατή λύση για εσάς. Η ομάδα μας αναλαμβάνει εκτιμήσεις, ενοικιάσεις, πωλήσεις ακινήτων καθώς και ανακαινίσεις, οικοδομικές άδειες και ενεργειακά πιστοποιητικά.
- City House
Agias Sofias 106, Thessaloniki 54634 - Άνω Πόλη
Our agency CITY HOUSE was founded in 1997 and today off as an upswing in the area of service provision. We and our affiliates provide quality and integrated services in the sale and property management. Our agency CITY HOUSE deals with all types of properties throughout Thessaloniki and Halkidiki but is now more specific in the traditional region of Upper CITY knowing all regulations, laws and zoning laws concerning construction and reconstruction in the region. Advises remarkable lawyer who has experience in the sale and purchase for all legal matters of concern to our customers. We work with civil engineers, surveyors, architects, reputable contractors, as well as tax consultants and accountants. Our office specializes in rentals of commercial spaces in pyrikafsti zone in the city center and flats for students - students and apartments overlooking the Thermaikos. We renovations housing - shop at our workshops and studies responsible for interior decorations. We provide complete services for the issuance of mortgage loans knowing the interest rates of all banks and finding the best solution based on data available as well for any kind of house insurance. We undertake the complete management of apartment buildings (communal sharing, fundraising, cleaning, arranging outstanding, with PPC, O.Y.A.TH. and heating) The organization and methodical work, constantly updated, comprehensive knowledge on the properties, the seriousness and experience are a guarantee for our customers.
I.TSIMISKI 16.THESSALONIKI - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
EUROBANK DEBT BANK ACCOUNT: GR 4902604270000880200275453 Consulting Services for Real Estate Development & Management It was created in 1999 by experienced real estate consultants with the aim of modernizing the perception of buying, selling, renting, commercial, TOURIST and residential real estate Respecting the time of our customers, we use every technological means (electronic web-based communication presentations, etc.) so that interested parties can monitor the evolution of the market even from their own space. Our associates undertake the necessary procedures (legal, borrowing, bureaucratic) and even technical needs such as repair, restoration, decoration, maintenance using experienced and trusted crews. Our main characteristic is the advisory activity, which is done with responsibility, professionalism and organization, always in the interest of our clients.
- abitazione
136, agiou dimitriou str - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
The agency is based in the center of the city, close to the University.
- Myró Real Estate
Nikiforou Foka 8 - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
Myro Group welcomes you to the Myro Real Estate website, with real estate across the country. Headquartered in the city center and branch office in Souroti, our office is mainly active in the central - eastern region of Thessaloniki and Halkidiki. With a branch at the Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki Hotel, where all visitors to Northern Greece are abducted, it is possible to promote sales of special interest (professional buildings, villas, hotels, seaside properties, businesses). Myrό Group is the first Greek company specialized in managing and selling Greek islands available for sale. Several Greek islands are currenlty available, while our company creates a “safety net” and solves every matter/procedure affects drastically both parties -the seller and the investor, lifting any bureaucratic or other barrier with a team of extensive law & property expertise.
- Akinita Lazaridi
Apollwnos 8 Kato Toumpa - Τούμπα
Our office with years of experience in real estate is trained by experienced collaborators who aim creatively at the prompt and fast service of your expectations. We undertake renovations - rentals - sales on the property, as well as land and plots. We operate throughout Thessaloniki, on the outskirts of Halkidiki. You will find us in our most refurbished space. Contact Phones 2314 311424 - 6942637723 - 6942228240.
- ALVANOUDIS Real Estate
Mitropoleos 25, Thessaloniki, 54624, Grecce - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
ALVANOUDIS Real Estate is a company with a strong presence in the real estate sector in Thessaloniki. It provides a completed professional services to businesses, independent investors and property owners, meeting the highest demands. Working systematically and trying to continuously improve our services, we keep abreast of market trends, discovering new prospects and opportunities for our customers. With our many years of experience in the field of sales and the complete knowledge of the Greek real estate market, we are able to understand and satisfy your every need in the field of real estate, whether it concerns residence or business property. Our main goal is to do all the procedures for you simple, aiming at the best possible result, giving the right advices and undertaking to successfully complete your case from start to finish. We invest in long-lasting trust with our customers, based on transparency, respect and understanding, certified by all our customers and partners! We are here for you. Trust us and you for the best possible result !!! Our services: - Buy / Sell / Rent Properties ( Apartment, Detached House, Shop, Business Property, Building, Hotel, Plot, Investment Properties and Opportunities, etc. In the center of Thessaloniki, where our headquarters are, and in the rest of Thessaloniki) - Property assessment - Consulting services for real estate development Collaborate with real estate experts. Savvas Alvanoudis Founder of ALVANOUDIS Real Estate Member of Association of Real Estate Agents of Thessaloniki
- FOR HOME Real Estate
17 Plateia Ippodromiou St. - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
FOR HOME Real Estate Agency, which is based in Alexandrou Svolou and Plateia Ippodromiou 17 St., in the center of Thessaloniki, provides specialized real estate services such as Sales - Rentals of property and finds the most suitable real estate property for customers.
- Maestro Real Estate
- Auf seit 1 Jahr
Delfon, 96, Thessaloniki Ellada, 54643 - Ανάληψη - Μπότσαρη - Νέα Παραλία
Maestro Real Estate values trust, honesty, and integrity in building lasting relationships with clients. Our mission is to provide exceptional real estate services, offering specialized guidance and transparent communication that exceed expectations.
- Dora Home Real Estate1 Anzeige in der Gegend
Η εταιρία μας εδρεύει στη περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης στις κτηματομεσιτικές υπηρεσίες ακινήτων . Αναγνωρίζουμε και κατανοούμε τις ανάγκες του πελάτη μας και φροντίζουμε με απόλυτο επαγγελματισμό και προσήλωση να προτείνουμε τις καλύτερες λύσεις της αγοράς. Η βασική μας αρχή είναι να κάνουμε όλες τις διαδικασίες απλές, με στόχο το καλύτερο δυνατό αποτέλεσμα, δίνοντας τις κατάλληλες συμβουλές και αναλαμβάνοντας να ολοκληρώσουμε με επιτυχία την αγορά, τη πώληση ή την ενοικίαση του ακινήτου σας, από την αρχή μέχρι το τέλος,έχοντας πάντα δίπλα μας καταξιωμένους συνεργάτες, δικηγόρους, συμβολαιογράφους και μηχανικούς. Ειμαστε εδώ για εσάς!! Με εκτίμηση Ηλιάδου Δώρα Dora Home Real Estate
- Finderhome
Papanastasioy Alexandroy 98 Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 54644 - Χαριλάου
The real estate agency in Thessaloniki Finder Home is a company that operates in sectorsAbout real Estate. Created to provide real estateServicesto Propertiesand ProfessionalsFor immediate, easy and successful finding of residence, professional roofand plots. We are a team full of devoted and passionateProfessional experience in the field of real estate. With years of workWe have created a large portfolio of successful offers and many happy customers whoTo create the Home Finder. We provide brokerage servicesIn Thessaloniki for properties for sale, rent and general exploitation.Our approach has been distinguished from other competitors– Real estate agencies and offers an excellent service package, where the only acceptable result is to exceed theClient's recruitment and redefine the way in which it is exploitedProperty in Thessaloniki, Halkidiki and theSurrounding areas of northern Greece
- Alfa Plus Real Estate
- Auf seit 1 Jahr
Fragkon, 19, Thessaloniki Ellada, 54625 - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
H Alfa Plus Real Estate είναι μια εταιρεία υπηρεσιών, που δραστηριοποιείται στον χώρο των ακινήτων. Στόχος μας είναι η καλύτερη και άμεση εξυπηρέτησή σας, με γνώμονα την ειλικρίνεια, την διαφάνεια και την άριστη αξιοποίηση των χρημάτων σας. Όραμά μας είναι να στεκόμαστε πάντα δίπλα στον πελάτη, παρέχοντας υψηλού επιπέδου υπηρεσίες με έντιμες, τεκμηριωμένες και ταιριαστές σε αυτόν επιλογές Προσφέρουμε την άριστη προβολή και διαφήμιση του ακινήτου σας στο διαδίκτυο, μέσω της συνεργασίας μας με τις καλύτερες ιστοσελίδες, με επαγγελματικές φωτογραφίες του ακινήτου, για την πιο σωστή και ολοκληρωμένη παρουσίασή του. Επιπλέον συνεργαζόμαστε και με άλλα κτηματομεσιτικά γραφεία καθώς και με site του εξωτερικού, όπου προωθούμε τα ακίνητα της εταιρίας μας. Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας για να μας γνωρίσετε καλύτερα και θα χαρούμε να σας φανούμε χρήσιμοι.
- Lp properties
Komninon 14 Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 54624 - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
LP PROPERTIES Giving our clients the confidence to create or choose the best place to live. LP properties is a leading Thessaloniki property agency with cutting-edge knowledge and expertise in the leisure and residential markets. LP Real Estate began as an idea to provide sellers and buyers of real estate with high-level personal care and attention. Our team has a strong work ethic and we believe in honesty in business, and that this helps our clients get the best space possible for their individual needs. Your protection and satisfaction are top priority. That is the philosophy on which the agency was founded, operates, and will always operate with each and every client. We maintain an updated list of homes and other specialty properties available for buyers. Sellers who work with us can be assured that their properties will be marketed extensively until a suitable buyer is found, and renters can be certain that they will find a perfect match for their most specific needs.
- Aktina Real Estate
Mavromichali st. 17 Thessaloniki - Βούλγαρη - Ντεπώ - Μαρτίου
We undertake with responsibility, consistency and professionalism the promotion of your property in the best way in Greece and abroad with photos, videos, etc. If you want to make a property purchase in Greece we can suggest you purchase opportunities with honesty and professionalism. We will be happy to work together. Here are the steps you can follow to find the best plot to buy near the sea in Greece: 1. Research the different regions in Greece that have coastal areas. 2. Determine your budget for purchasing a plot of land. 3. Search online for real estate websites that specialize in Greek properties or use an online property search tool. 4. Refine your search by selecting the location and price range that you would like to search within. 5. Review the properties that match your criteria and select the ones that you are interested in viewing. 6. Arrange a viewing of the properties with a reputable local real estate agent or developer. 7. Ask questions about the property, the local area, and any potential development plans that may affect the property in the future. 8. Consider hiring a lawyer who specializes in property transactions in Greece to review the legal aspects of any purchase agreement before signing. By following these steps, you should be able to find the best plot to buy near the sea in Greece that fits your budget and preferences. Good luck with your search! Stamatis Garlis Aktina Real Estate Tel. +30 6946232233 Viber, What'sapp Email: Website: