Chalkidiki,Paliouri Amphitheatrical plot 9.884 sqm, front on the beach, with unlimited sea view and the surrounding area. The land is is slopingness , located next the hotel Miraggio Thermal Spa Resort which features a marina, is buildable, ideal for settlement and for professional activity
In order to view this property you need to provide a valid ID / Passport according to the Ν.4072 / 11-4-2012 ΦΕΚ 86 Α ΜATRIK, DELFON 32, THESSALONIKI WEBSITE 1: HTTP://WWW.MATRIK.GR WEBSITE 2: HTTP://WWW.GREECEPROPERTIES.RU E-MAIL: PHONE NUMBERS: 2310 - 850944, 2310 - 850994