On the ground floor of 150 sq.m. there is a space and an additional 150 sq.m. office space and 2 wc. The attic has a large hallway, 3 office spaces and 2 wc. It has 500 sq.m. additional outdoor areas of which part is covered. It builds a total of ground floor A ', B' and C 'floors. It has the use of a pure residence. In more detail, in the areas of pure residence the following uses are allowed: 1. Residence 2. Social welfare 3. Preschool, primary and secondary education 4. Sports facilities of local importance 5. Cultural facilities of local importance 6. Religious sites of local importance 7. Commercial stores and shops providing personal services that serve the daily needs of the residents of the area, such as e.g. Grocery stores, pharmacies, stationery stores, butchers, fishmongers, greengrocers, convenience stores, dairies, dairies, bakeries and confectioneries 8. Bakeries 9. Professional laboratories that serve the daily needs of the residents and which are exempted from the procedures of installation permit and operating licenses (laundries, etc.) 10. Hotel accommodation - hostels up to 50 beds 11. Parking (buildings-stadiums) of vehicles up to 3.5 tons 12. Care (primary without treatment, such as health centers, in vitro fertilization units, chronic dialysis units)