Thessaloniki, Ano Poli - Plot 308sqm floor area ratio (far) 1.2, floor space index (fsi) 0.7, progressive floor area ratio (far) 1.5, remaining buildable area 369, corner, frontage 21, depth 11.5, land use strictly residential, slope inclined, view unobstructed, frontage, within city plan, residential zone, integral, buildable, three frontage building, fenced, electricity, water, telephone, access from asphalt, low noise level, investment property, special offer, close to bank (up to 200m), close to sea (up to 3000m), close to super market (up to 200m), close to bus stop (up to 100m), close to βουνό (up to 1500μ), close to διασκέδαση (up to 1500μ), close to park (up to 100m), close to νοσοκομείο (up to 1500μ).