Kodikós akinítou: A24 Palaiá monokatoikía pros pólisi sti thési Tsakaíoi Évvoia, i katoikía eínai katállili pros ANAPALAIOSI. Sas paréchoume fotografikó yliko tou akinítou kai perissóteres pliroforíes entós ton imerón! Epísis sas parousiázoume kai fotografíes apó ton ómorfo oikismó ton Tsakaíon me tin grafikí plateía tou chorioú! Perissóteres pliroforíes sta tiléfona tou grafeíou mas. Εμφάνιση περισσότερων 385 / 5.000 Αποτελέσματα μετάφρασης Αποτέλεσμα μετάφρασης Property code: A24 Old detached house for sale in Tsakaioi Evia, the house is suitable for RESTORATION. We provide you with photos of the property and more information within days! We also present you photos from the beautiful settlement of Tsakaios with the picturesque village square! More information on the phones of our office.