Lefokastro, N. Pelion, seaside, wonderful plot of land with a total area of 54,000 sq.m. facing a beach of special natural beauty, accessible from a private road and a total building of about 8,500 sq.m. areas of main use and approximately 4,000 areas of auxiliary use. The urban planning legislation and allow the establishment - installation - operation of 2 Hotels or nursing homes (Nursing homes) with a 365-day operating time. With a total capacity of approximately 150-200 rooms, with all the necessary auxiliary facilities (multipurpose room, sportsinfrastructures, etc.) including a floating platform for docking small boats. Subsidy possibility through inclusion in the provisions of the Development-Investment Law with the rate for the Magnesia area ranging from 50% in money or tax exemption. PRICE: 3,500,000 euros. M: res.realestateservices@yahoo.gr https://resrealestateservices.gr