According to 12485/22-***/******* ΑΔΑ: 9ΞΙΧΟΡ1Φ-ΟΔΣ) decision of the Directorate of Forests of Argolis, the plot in question was not classified as forest. It is classified as a plot of perennial cultivation. It falls under the requested law Ν. 4759/2020 for construction under 4 acres, but there is still no official study of the roads as communal areas that the plot has allready the required frontage in meters. Expected with new! province by the Ministry of the Interior the initiation of a study to record the existing road network for the inclusion of many areas of Greece, the country re-municipal unity of those outside the boundaries of the settlements legally existing before 1923 or under 2000 dwellings and for the registration and identification of roads. (ΦΕΚ Β 2504/20-***/******* SEE IN DETAIL GOVERNMENTS ΦΕΚ 2671/B/31-5-2022, the No. ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΠΟΛΣ/53355/1219/2022 with the technical specifications. The roads that surround the plot are 6m wide and the street facing the plot serves for electricity (the existence of a PPC pillar), water supply and the passage of residents who live further east of the area. However, for the time being, it can build agricultural, animal husbandry, etc. units in accordance with the current regulations.