AIGALEO Káto, epangelmatikós chóros 316 t.m., isogeíou - 1ou, kataskeví &#***/*******,paradosiakós, monofasikó révma, trifasikó révma, chorís koinóchrista, eléftheros, chrízei anakaínisis, epangelmatikó ktírio, isógeio katástima 78 t.m. me píso avlí 54 t.m. me 2 eisódous, eísodos katastímatos apó Ierá Odó kai píso eísodo, epí tis Grigoríou Kydonión mazí me 1o órofo, 129 t.m. me píso taratsáki 55 t.m., exoterikí skála pou enónetai me to isógeio kai tin avlí, échei eísodo ópos kai to katástima Ierá Odó kai Kydonión, kai o aéras tou ktiríou, diathésimos timí 1.500.000 +**/****** EGALEO Kato, commercial space 316 sq.m., ground floor - 1st, construction &#***/*******,traditional, single-phase current, three-phase current, without utilities, free, needs renovation, commercial building, ground floor store 78 sq.m. with backyard 54 sq.m. with 2 entrances, store entrance from Iera Odos and back entrance, on Grigoriou Kydonion together with 1st floor, 129 sq.m. with rear terrace 55 sq.m., external staircase that joins the ground floor and the courtyard, has an entrance like the store Iera Odos and Kydonion, and the air of the building, available price 1,500,000