Check the video : If you liked the photos and the description, do not forget to watch and listen to the video! Watch and listen to the video as many times as you like here: or right and bottom to the end of the page. So you know from the beginning if it's worth to seeing it.. It's like you are within the home. The Real Estate Change Office was created by Rania Pappa and Vassilis Kontelis, because when they were looking for a home, they were badly affected by ... realtors. Brokering fees is not the only thing that we care about. We love this job very much and we identify with you as if we were looking for a home for us ... Like Like on our Facebook page and see all opportunities here: https: // ΥοuTube : Real Estate Office "Change it" Mobile phone for appointment: Vasilis 00306932425542 {cosmote,viper,what's app} Contact Person: Mr. Vasilis Kontelis Tel.: 00302310387655 Address: Riga Ferraiou 175 Sykies P.C. 56626 Thessaloniki Email: