Real Estate Consultant ChristopoulosNikolaos. Available for sale is a plot of total area 350 sq.m. in Chora, on Alonissos. It isa plot within the plan, buildable with a facade of 25 meters and adepth of 13,50 meters. The plot is sloping, and south facing. It isaccessed via an asphalt road. It is close to the Old Village ofAlonissos. It is only 250m from the Old Village of Alonissos, 250m fromthe organized beach Megalos Mourtias, 1,5 km from the port and 51 km fromSkiathos Airport. It is a very good choice to accommodate either your permanentor your holiday home. The islandof Alonissos is one of the 10 `hidden corners` of Greece according to a greattribute of the British newspaper `Telegraph`, with incomparable natural beauty.The green island of Alonissos is famous for its beautiful beaches, the endlessgreen, the National Marine Park of Alonissos, a marine sanctuary for theMediterranean monk seal “Monachus Monachus” and the first underwater museum inGreece, called `the Parthenon of shipwrecks`.