Plot within the boundaries of Plakias village in the second beach-zone of the village that can build approximately 350 square meters. It can be used both for the development of a holiday house and for the development of smaller houses and/or shops for touristic exploitation. The property is located a two minute short walk from the beach of Plakias, one of the most famous in the southern part of Rethymno prefecture. The location of the plot along with its attractive price render it a very good minor-scale investment. With the possibility of incorporating the investment in a development program an investor could with minimum expenditure create an expensive real estate portfolio in an -already- touristicaly developed area with expensive properties. The prospect of the implementation of the approved city planning will render the property a corner property in the medium-run further increasing its value. Responsible for the listing is Mr. Konstantinos Moullos, licenced realtor with General Commercial Registry Number (GEMI) 349607. Despite the fact that Aspis Real Estate Rethymno takes all precautionary measures to ensure that everything that is written in our classified ads is true, these are by statement of the sellers therefore we cannot accept any responsibility for the correctness of the information. In any case we offer a strong recommendation to check the information with certified professionals before any down-payment. *The picture depicts the area of Plakias and not the view from the property