Factory for sale in Greece for information Athanasiadis Menelaos 6980932954, 2317002220. Within 25km from the Port of Thessaloniki is 2440m2 of factory buildings and 70.000m2 of fenced land surrounded by a 2 meter wall. The factory obtains utilities of water and electricity, connected to the municipality. There is also a well with 20m3 of water per hour, plenty to support any type of factory production. Recently we obtained the licences for product processing, water bottling, oil, vinegar, food packaging, cosmetics, packaging of greek herbs and extraction of oils, all of which come with the factory FACTORY DESCRIPTION: BUILDING A: 250m2 of Offices BUILDING B: 850m2 of Packaging and Laboratory BUILDING C: 640m2 of Processing materials BUILDING D: 700m2 of Packaging (finished materials) -12 Bathrooms -Security vault room -Industrial floor -200 parking spaces -5 entrance gates 6meter long with loading dock -5 Apartments (Employee accommodations)