Buildable land in the area of Sparosa. It belongs to zone B3 Attic Park. The following uses are permitted: a) cultural facilities on public, municipal or agricultural cooperative land with the main purpose of promoting the cultural wealth and traditional activities of the area. The above facilities may be supplemented by catering and leisure buildings. In order to avoid uses incompatible with the character of an archaeological site or monument in this area, all the above facilities require prior approval of their location by the Archaeological Service. b) winery facilities which may include residential use in combination with compulsory viticulture after certification by the Ministry of Agriculture that the cultivation meets the required conditions. 2. The building conditions and restrictions of the permitted uses are defined as follows: a) for cultural facilities, the maximum total floor area of buildings is set at 400 sq.m., subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 27 of the General Provisions of Article 3 of the present. b) for winery facilities that may include a residence, the maximum total permitted floor area of buildings is set at 270 sq.m., of which 200 sq.m. corresponds to the maximum floor area of the residence. The maximum total permissible floor area of buildings constructed on land not covered by the derogation shall be 170 m2 , of which 100 m2 shall correspond to the maximum floor area of the dwelling. Inclination Sloping, Access Asphalt, Facade Our website gives you internet access to all of our properties. For any information and/or to book an appointment, please contact our office at 210-6032500 or email us at