FOR SALE Productive estate of 5.8 acres with truffles (black blackwash with all the necessary certificates), grafted in 400 trees (hazelnuts, oaks and anchovies) in an amazing position, in the mountainous plain of Feneos, Peloponnese, 5 minutes from Lake Doxa. Planting year 2014. The estate is buildable, irrigated and fenced. Ideal for investment and agricultural exploitation 2-2.5 hours from Athens by car in a green area, with the amazing Lake Doxa and a plethora of hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and cafes. The estate is very close to the famous Tavern of Michalis (Feneos) which has its own meats. The estate will be productive for at least 50 to 60 years.INFO AT : (+30)2107710150 - (+30)6945051223BUY2GREECE -