Nestled within the enchanting island of Paros, discover a captivating new development introducing the under development Mezonette in Alyki. This property presents a harmonious fusion of contemporary luxury and island charm, promising an trademark island lifestyle for discerning buyers. Comprising a prestigious complex of four attached maisonettes, the development spans an impressive 628.20 square meters, offering a sanctuary of space and sophistication. Impeccable craftsmanship and modern design define this new development, evoking a sense of awe from the moment you step inside. Simple but luxury, each detail has been meticulously curated to ensure a seamless blend of comfort, elegance, and functionality throughout. With a secured building permit and an anticipated completion date in summer 2025, this exclusive complex sets a new standard in island living. The Anemos Maisonette, spanning 158.2 square meters across three floors (Lower Ground, Ground Floor, and 1st Floor), epitomizes refined living. Its layout is thoughtfully designed for both private relaxation and sophisticated entertaining. Ideal for discerning homeowners seeking the epitome of coastal living, for investors looking to take advantage of income producing properties in the highly anticipated market of Paros Island or for investors looking for Golden Visa, this Mezonette in Alyki is a rare opportunity to own a piece of paradise on the serene island of Paros.
Daskalakis Advisors | Nest Seekers International