Apartment on the third floor on the street of Ydras 11, Kipseli (Ύδρας 11, Κυψέλη) is for sale. This apartment consists of 1 kitchen, hall, 1 bathroom, WC, living room with a dining room, 2 bedrooms, and an office room. The area of these rooms is 100,15 square meters. This apartment also has a warehouse, which is 7,50square meters. The date of the construction is 1955. The apartment is on a very well maintenance. It has wooden floors, a safety door, and a balcony in the direction of Ydras street. On the balcony it has an outdoor stair. The apartment is near to Pedion of Areos (Πεδίον του Άρεως), also near to the Central Market of Kipseli(Δημοτική Αγορά Κυψέλης), and near to bus stations.