Plot 3843, situated in the Elani area within the Local Community of Kassandria, Municipality of Kassandra, spans a total of 12,000 sq.m., now subdivided into two parcels: one measuring 4,***/******* sq.m. and the other 7,983.87 sq.m. The property is designated as part of a "Special Protection Area," aimed at conserving forests and woodlands under applicable Greek environmental legislation. Key Features: Location: Elani, Kassandria, a picturesque area blending natural beauty and ecological significance. Subdivision: Two distinct plots—ideal for separate developments or unified projects. Land Classification: Includes areas classified as forest land, mandating specific construction setbacks and limited land use to protect natural habitats. Permitted Uses: Forest Areas: Development is limited to non-permanent structures for forest management, recreation, and environmental education. Examples include observation decks, pathways, and small pavilions. Non-Forest Areas: Permitted developments include: Residences Agricultural and forestry-related facilities Low-noise industrial workshops Outdoor sports and leisure facilities Self-catering tourist accommodations (e.g., villas) Organized camping areas Public utility buildings and infrastructure.