Code: xx17151
Achaia Patra Lakopetra village, land of 147.000sqm with frontage at the sea 657m and depth at 4 points 343m 162m, 193m and 313m, suitable for tourism development.
The property is situated about 4,5 km from village Lakopetra, 14 km from village Kato Achaia, 35 km from Patra, 245 km from Athens, 135 km from Kalavrita ski resort, 185 km from the ski resort of Parnassos , 48 km from the port of Killini and 9 km from Araxos airport.
During the summer season, Araxos Airport has direct charter flights with Milan, Paphos, Vienna, Zurich, Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart and Moscow.
Price: 11.000.000€.
Polis Real Estate 0030-2106850511, 6944151795