real estate agencies in Sifnos
Eparhiaki Odos Kamaron-Artemon 84003 - Σίφνος
7 Listings in the areaΤο CUBE & VOLTO είναι ένα μεσιτικό γραφείο στον Αρτεμώνα στη Σίφνο. Ιδρύθηκε από την έμπειρη μεσίτρια Καλλιόπη Λουκιανού - Καρούτα, προσφέροντας υπηρεσίες με γνώση, συνεχή υποστήριξη, ακολουθία, συνέπεια και σεβασμό προς τους πελάτες του, πωλητές, επενδυτές-αγοραστές ή ενοικιαστές. Στόχος της εταιρείας είναι ο συνεχής εμπλουτισμός του χαρτοφυλακίου με διάφορα αξιόλογα ακίνητα και η σωστή διαχείρησή τους χάρη στις εξατομικευμένες υπηρεσίες.
- - Σίφνος
6 Listings in the area-There is no better match then consulting people to buy a property on the Island you love most in combination with the knowledge and education to perform these transactions in the most professional way! After finishing my education I decided to open my first Real Estate Agency in Sifnos in 2006. Numerous of clients have been assisted by me and my team to buy the perfect match. We offer total solutions and have included the best professionals in their fields to complete the job. Our services include the best Attornies, Notary, Mechanics, Architects and contractors. What differentiate me from others? My straight approach and my deep knowledge of the Sifnos' gems! Are you interested in what we have to offer? Or are you looking for a specific property or piece of land? We are here to find you the perfect match!
APOLLONIA P.O.BOX 331 - Σίφνος
«Sifnos Estate» is the result of several years preparation and consists of people with extensive work experience in the area of property development and management. During the summer of 2015, Sifnos Estate, from an idea/plan, finally became a reality. Our new and modern offices are located in Apollonia, which is the heart of Sifnos Island. The company is rapidly expanding its activities, in order to offer to its customers accurate information and professional support when they try to buy a property in Sifnos. Organisation, consistency and professionalism are what make us stand out. Our specialized network of professionals in all areas of property management is going to meet your specific demands during the whole procedure, from your first search to the final stage of buying. Nikos Korakis Georgoulis