- 1/25
- 1/21€ 380,000Maisonette Ηροδότου 26, Θεσσαλονίκη 546 34, Ελλάδα, Tsinari, Ano Poli4 rooms200 m²2 bathroomsNo LiftBalconyCellar
- 1/25€ 365,000Maisonette Πηλέως 15, 546 33, Θεσσαλονίκη, Tsinari, Ano Poli3 rooms118 m²2 bathroomsNo LiftCellar
- 1/25€ 183,000Maisonette Βύζαντος 27, Θεσσαλονίκη 546 33, Ελλάδα, Tsinari, Ano Poli3 rooms85 m²1 bathroomNo LiftBalconyCellar
- 1/25€ 355,000Maisonette Κλειούς 17-21, 546 33, Θεσσαλονίκη, Tsinari, Ano Poli5 rooms135 m²3+ bathroomsNo LiftCellar
- 1/15
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- City House
Agias Sofias 106, Thessaloniki 54634 - Άνω Πόλη
Our agency CITY HOUSE was founded in 1997 and today off as an upswing in the area of service provision. We and our affiliates provide quality and integrated services in the sale and property management. Our agency CITY HOUSE deals with all types of properties throughout Thessaloniki and Halkidiki but is now more specific in the traditional region of Upper CITY knowing all regulations, laws and zoning laws concerning construction and reconstruction in the region. Advises remarkable lawyer who has experience in the sale and purchase for all legal matters of concern to our customers. We work with civil engineers, surveyors, architects, reputable contractors, as well as tax consultants and accountants. Our office specializes in rentals of commercial spaces in pyrikafsti zone in the city center and flats for students - students and apartments overlooking the Thermaikos. We renovations housing - shop at our workshops and studies responsible for interior decorations. We provide complete services for the issuance of mortgage loans knowing the interest rates of all banks and finding the best solution based on data available as well for any kind of house insurance. We undertake the complete management of apartment buildings (communal sharing, fundraising, cleaning, arranging outstanding, with PPC, O.Y.A.TH. and heating) The organization and methodical work, constantly updated, comprehensive knowledge on the properties, the seriousness and experience are a guarantee for our customers.
- www.interakinita.gr
Thessaloniki , Thessaloniki, Kentriki Makedonia, 54634 - Άνω Πόλη
INTER AKINHTA real estate agency provides high quality services to real estate transactions by executives with many years of experience in the field of REAL ESTATE.
- NewDeal Group
33 Tsimiski Str - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
“Your success is our passion” . Η newdeal είναι συνώνυμο της εξέλιξης και της προόδου του real estate στην Ελλάδα. Ένα σύγχρονο δίκτυο από “expert pro”, ειδικούς επαγγελματίες. Αποτελείται από Συμβούλους επενδύσεων, μηχανικούς, αρχιτέκτονες, δικηγόρους, με τους οποίους ανταλλάσσουμε πληροφορίες και συνεργαζόμαστε για ένα κοινό σκοπό: Πώς να αξιοποιήσετε την ακίνητη περιουσία σας με τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο. Η newdeal real estate group είναι η πρώτη εταιρεία που ίδρυσε Ακαδημία real estate.
P. SINDIKA 61 - Ανάληψη - Μπότσαρη - Νέα Παραλία
Real Estate Network OIKIES REAL ESTATE ® began providing its special and devoted real estate services to its clients, the citizens of the city of Thessaloniki in 2007. At a privately owned office at 61 Petrou Sindika Str at East Thessaloniki area Mr. George N. Kousis carved the first stone of his new business start. Fellow partners in this difficult 10 years journey of his, his Real Estate Associates forming a strong family unit and atmosphere assured the successfulness of Real Estate Network OIKIES REAL ESTATE ®. With consistency and hard personal work, having a rule only to recognize, respect and cover the real estate needs of the clients’ family grew more. Thus, at the year of 2012, the 2nd OIKIES REAL ESTATE ® office opened at the very center of Thessaloniki city. Expanding constantly the variety of the real estate services that were provided and not only, OIKIES REAL ESTATE ® Network included more than the classical real estate services, such as renovation services, issuing housing energy certificates and property management. Constantly seeking 100% of full customer service OIKIES REAL ESTATE ® family grew day by day. 2014 the 3rd OIKIES REAL ESTATE ® office opened at Ano Toumpa are at East Thessaloniki, with only one strategic point. To cover geographically the rest of Thessaloniki city area. Then after Mr. Philippos G. Progiopoulos came to the company as co-owner whom his expirience at the Real Estate construction business push the company further more into success. Having now a Country based property portfolio the company is heading to the future and covers even the highest International REAL ESTATE SERVICES STANDARD satisfying customers from all over the world. Proven high customer satisfaction along with positive comments - especially the first years of the profound economic challenges that Greece as a country faced - place the Real Estate Network OIKIES REAL ESTATE ® at the TOP of all real estate networks in the city of Thessaloniki and not only. Having a Dynamic group of over 30 Trained Active Real Estate Agents and a real estate property portfolio of more than 9.000 Active Validated Properties we aim towards humanly respect you and fully satisfying of your real estate needs understanding always the real estate market. Real Estate Network OIKIES REAL ESTATE ® can provide with respect the following real estate services: • Selling / Renting of the property • Issuing housing energy certificates. • Property valuation • Financing / Issuing loans • Construction / Renovation • Property Management
- Arcus Real Estate
Ermoy 75 Thessaloniki, 54623 - Θεσσαλονίκη - Κέντρο
Ποιοί είμαστε Η ARCUS ιδρύθηκε το 2017 για να αλλάξει ριζικά τον κλάδο διαχείρισης ακινήτων στην Ελλάδα. Από την πρώτη στιγμή πιστέψαμε ότι οι άνθρωποι αποτελούν το επίκεντρο της επιχειρηματικής μας επιτυχίας. Απόδειξη της φιλοσοφίας μας αυτής αποτελεί το τμήμα Διαχείρισης Προσωπικού που ιδρύσαμε με μεγάλη επιμέλεια ώστε να προσελκύουμε πάντοτε μόνο τους κατάλληλους ανθρώπους μας, που σε συνδυασμό με το πρότυπο πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης που κτίσαμε και δια βίου παρακολουθούμε, εκπαιδεύουμε συμβούλους με υψηλή κατάρτιση από την διορατικότητα στην τάση της παγκόσμιας αγοράς μέχρι την εξειδικευμένη εμπειρία στην διαχείριση μικρής κλίμακας τοπικής αγοράς. Όραμα αρχές στόχοι στρατηγικοί άξονες Όραμα Με ανθρώπινο δυναμικό που υπερβαίνει τους 120 άριστα καταρτισμένους συνεργάτες, και ένα πλούσιο σε ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά χαρτοφυλάκιο που διαχειρίζεται περισσότερα από 4000 ακίνητα, το group της ARCUS εξελίσσεται σε ηγέτη του κλάδου με σταθερή ανάπτυξη δικτύου σε όλη την Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό. Όραμα μας στην ARCUS είναι η συνεχής επένδυση στην ποιότητα και στην καινοτομία ,προσφέροντας στους πελάτες μας υπηρεσίες υψηλής προσθετικής αξίας. Αρχές Ανάπτυξη με σεβασμό στους πελάτες και στους συνεργάτες μας. Παροχή προστιθεμένης αξίας στους πελάτες μας μέσω υπηρεσιών ποιότητας. Στόχοι Να καθιερώσουμε την ηγετική μας θέση στον χώρο του REAL ESTATE Ανάπτυξη δικτύου με πανελλαδική κάλυψη υπηρεσιών Να δυναμώσουμε το διεθνές προφίλ της εταιρείας με στρατηγικές συμμαχίες. Στρατηγικοί άξονες Η στρατηγική για την επίτευξη του στόχου μας είναι να διατηρούμε ένα χαρτοφυλάκιο με υψηλής ποιότητας αστικών και επαγγελματικών ακινήτων, ισχυρές επενδυτικές προτάσεις που παρέχουν ελκυστικές και χαμηλού κινδύνου εισοδηματικές αποδόσεις.
- Hellas PM
Mitropolitoy Kydonion Grigorioy 6 Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 54655 - Βούλγαρη - Ντεπώ - Μαρτίου
Thessaloniki is our place of business. Perfection to the services we offer is our goal. Relating with every single client and trying our best to satisfy any real estate need or desire is our philosophy .Hellas Property Management is aware that any kind of real estate transaction can be one of the most important accomplishments throughout the life of an average person and the result of a lifetime of struggles. It is our commitment to satisfy our clients needs and to provide them with high quality real estate services. Finding the perfect home for your family or the perfect place of business can be one of your most important quests. Being successful in choosing the right real estate that meets your needs is essential to your personal happiness. Our real estate agents are exceptional professionals with many years of experience in the market. Our real estate agents understand your personal housing necessities and will screen the whole market to find your ideal home, will negotiate for you, resolve any kind of legal or technical issues, will direct you as far as state proceedures are concerned, help you find the right financing and will deliver your new real estate to you as soon as possible. Accordingly, our real estate associates will promote your real estate in the market and work with you in the most professional way, will negotiate with the potentional buyers or renters and will sell or rent out your house with the best terms for you. You can trust us!
32 Delfon str. - Φάληρο - Ιπποκράτειο
Real estate agency & construction company. Welcome to our company. Matrik is a successful company in Real Estate in Greece specialized in Thessaloniki and Chalkidiki. Providing services and undertakes projects in the construction sector as well as in the purchase and sale of properties. Capable to cover all your needs in purchases - rentals and renovations. At Matrik you can choose any type of property, from a small town apartment to a luxurious seaside villa. It has a wide range of properties in order to fulfill the desires and preferences of all its clients. Matrik works with an experienced team of experts in all areas: real estate consultants, civil engineers, architects, designers, merchants, economists, computer programmers who are always willing to help. Our company provides the following services: Renovations Design, construction and configuration of exterior and interior spaces Free tips for buying real estate Full legal coverage and support for the residence permit procedure Investment projects in the real estate sector In our company you will find what you need to buy, sell or rent a property. Get more information on our properties and services in our web page. Matrik is always beside you to make reality the property you've always dreamed of getting. Address Delfon 32, Thessaloniki. e-mail: matrik@matrik.gr Phone number: (+30) 2310-850944 & (+30) 2310-850994 Fax: (+30) 2310-860402 website 1: http://www.matrik.gr website 2: http://www.greeceproperties.ru