Field of 8910sqm, with 99m façade, 600m from the Koumitsa beach and 3,3km from Nea Roda village. The property provides unobstructed views in all directions. At its current legal form it can be build up to 200sqm plus the attic.
In order to view this property you need to provide a valid ID / Passport according to the Ν.4072 / 11-4-2012 ΦΕΚ 86 Α ΜATRIK, DELFON 32, THESSALONIKI WEBSITE 1: HTTP://WWW.MATRIK.GR WEBSITE 2: HTTP://WWW.GREECEPROPERTIES.RU E-MAIL: PHONE NUMBERS: 2310 - 850944, 2310 - 850994