Kephisia : Plesion toy kentroy tes Kephisias sygchrone minimal triorophe kataskeye 5 diamerismaton, me pisines kai 2 ypogeia ypo kataskeye. Diamerisma isogeioy 217 t.m energeiakes bathmidas A++ ypo kataskeye 2 epipedon me poly photeino paly - room .To diamerisma apoteleitai ton choro ypodoches me to tzaki toy & ta megala anoigmata, koyzina eniaias e anexartetes diarrythmises, 4 Y/D ( ta 2 me ta mpania toy ) 2 mpania, w.c, 2 theseis gkaraz, apotheke, domatio yperesias. To diamerisma echei prosbase se 186 t.m kepo me pisina ( 38 t.m. ) Epises tha diathetei energeiaka thermodiakoptomena koyphomata, rola me mechanismo, endodapedia thermanse me zones elegchoy, kentriko systema klimatismoy daikin, dryina dapeda, eliaka & apotheke To diamerisma brisketai se semeio me prosbase sto kentro tes Kephisias me ta podia. E architektonike toy ktirioy se syndyasmo me ten enallage ton ogkon & ten diarrythmise ton kenon epitygchanei anexartesia sta diamerismata , idiotikoteta & bioklematike leitoyrgia toy ktirioy. TIME 1.750.000 € YPEYTHYNOS EPIKOINONIAS. GIANNES KONSTANTINOY 6977313926, 210 6233945, ,