Sykies poleitai photeino diamerisma 4oy orophoy, 85tm, me 2 Y/D, eniaia saloni-trapezaria-koyzina, aytonome thermanse physikoy aerioy me atomiko kaystera, these stathmeyses kai thea se ole ten pole kai ton THermaiko kolpo. Brisketai poly konta se stase leophoreioy, eno apechei 5 lepta me to aytokineto apo to kentro tes poles kai 10 lepta apo ten paralia. Polese, Diamerisma, Mpania: 1, Embadon: 85 t.m., Domatia: 2, Etos kataskeyes: 2002, THea, Beranta, Asanser, Porta asphaleias, THese stathmeyses, Orophos: 4os, Prosopses, Epitrepontai katoikidia, Doryphorike keraia, PHoteino, Koyzines: 1, Koyphomata: Aloyminioy, Typos dapedon: Plakaki, Prosbase gia AMEA, Epipeda: 1, THermanse: Aytonome thermanse, Prosbase apo: Asphalto, Zone: Oikistike zone, Energeiake klase: G, Prosanatolismos: Dytikos, Reyma: Triphasiko, Apostase apo thalassa: 2100, Meniaia koinochresta: 25