Kato Toympa poleitai diamerisma 100t.m.kathara. Ebdomos orophos me anempodiste thea pros kathe kateythynse. Apoteleitai apo dyo ypnodomatia, megalo saloni kai koyzina se esoche, mpanio kai WC. Einai kataskeyasmeno to 2006 Diathetei these stathmeyses. atomike thermanse physikoy aerioy,apotheke sto ypogeio Time 285.000€ | Kodikos Akinetoy: #733430 cozy
E etairia cozy real estate kai oloi oi synergates tes leitoyrgoyn basei tes Ellenikes kai Eyropaikes nomothesias peri mesiteias. Oi plerophories kai ta charakteristika ton akineton echoyn katachorethei basei stoicheion kai plerophorion poy proskomise o entoleas .Me ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy krinetai aparaiteto na ypodeiknyetai e taytoteta kathos kai to APHM sas symphona me ton N 4072 / 11-4-2012 PHEK 86A
Gia perissoteres eykairies neon akineton tes etairias deite edo : www.cozyestate.gr
Cozy Real Estate
Kentriko katastema: Delphon 154, THessalonike, 54248
+30 2310 811109
Ypokatastema Komnenon 23 & Ermoy gonia,
THessalonike Kentro 54623
+30 2310227788
Ypokatastema Megaloy Alexandroy 36
THessalonike Eyosmos 56224
+30 2314072347
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cozyestate
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