Kodikos akinetoy: 56930 - Kalamaria Kentro ENOIKIAZETAI diamerisma ston 1 o oropho synolikes epiphaneias 83 t.m. . Apoteleitai apo 2 ypnodomatia, saloni, koyzina, mpanio kai WC. Einai kataskeyasmeno to 1985 me energeiake klase G kai diathetei thermanse atomike - physiko aerio, thea se parko, koyphomata synthetika, patomata apo marmaro kai xylo, porta thorakismene, entoichizomenes ntoylapes, anelkystera, parkingk, A/C, elektrikes syskeyes, tentes, dipla tzamia, anoichtosia apostase apo thalassa 450 metra apostase apo metro 600 metra - Time: 650 €
Eyrychoro dyari sto kentro tes Kalamarias 83 tm.
Apoteleitai apo 2 ypnodomatia ( to ena 7.5 tm. ) me entoichizomenes ntoylapes , 1 eyrychore salotrapezaria , 1 koyzina , 1 mpanio kai 1 WC .
Diathetei thermanse atomiko physiko aerio , synthetika koyphomata , tentes .
Epises diatithetai me oles tis elektrikes syskeyes ( psygeio , koyzina , plynterio piaton , plynterio roychon )
Se mia esyche geitonia , dyo omos bemata apo to kentro tes Kalamarias kai ten agora tes .
-- E dieythynse toy akinetoy einai endeiktike -- Baggeles Tsompanos 6945339273 www.invista.gr -- Gia na enemeroneste PROTOI gia ta nea akineta tes invista.gr episkephteite to site mas kai sympleroste ten zetese sas sten kategoria Zetese kai molis analaboyme to neo akineto poy sas tairiazei tha enemeroneste aytomata meso E-Mail e SMS Like us on facebook! www.facebook.com/invista.gr Gia ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy einai aparaitete e epideixe tes astynomikes sas taytotetas e toy diabaterioy sas.