THessalonike, Eleytherio-Kordelio: Poleitai diamperes Mezoneta 160t.m. polyteleias, prosopseos ston 7o oropho me asanser 2 epipedon me endodapedia atomike thermanse physikoy aerioy. Apoteleitai apo 3 ypnodomatia, 1 salonokoyzina, apotheke kai 2 mpania. Diathetei oraia thea, synthetika koyphomata me dipla tzamia, thorakismene porta, exoterike (kalymmene) these stathmeyses, energeiake klase A+, synagermo, eliako thermosiphona. To akineto echei ten parakato diarrythmise choron:
6os orophos: 74,12tm kathara
7os orophos: 46,77tm kathara
. Time 285.000€ | Kodikos Akinetoy: #63296
Kordelio: Elioloyste mezoneta 160tm, energeiakes klases A++. Apoteleitai apo 2 epipeda. Ston 6o oropho yparchei eyrychore salokoyzina me esoteriko ypsos 6m (aithrio), 1 aneto domatio, kai megalo mpanio. Ston 7o oropho, esoteriko mpalkoni, 2 aneta domatia kai mpanio. Diathetei megales berantes 18tm mprosta kai 10tm piso me kataplektike thea, these stathmeyses sten pilote, apotheke 13tm sto ypogeio, atomike thermanse physikoy aerioy kai eliako thermosiphona. Parallela me mikre epibarynse parechetai kai atomiko photoboltaiko. Brisketai se omorphe geitonia, sta oria me Eyosmo kai oles tis paroches dipla. Ektimomenos chronos paradoses 12/25
E anagraphomene dieythynse den einai e pragmatike an sas endiapherei to akineto semeioste ton kodiko toy akinetoy kai Epikoinoneste amesa me ton Ypeythyno epikoinonias gia te sygkekrimene aggelia: Mpiziogles Giorgos Tel 2316007921. kin. 6931000151 e sympleroste ten phorma epikoinonias kai tha epikoinonesoyme mazi sas. Gia ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy einai aparaitete e proskomise astynomikes taytotetas e APHM. An den echoyme semera to akineto poy kalyptei tis anagkes sas, katachoreste zetese me E-MAIL kai amesa tha enemerotheite molis to analaboyme.