Enoikiazetai Yperpolyteles STUDIO, 28tm., 3 orophoy neodmetes Polykatoikias, sto Kentro tes Poles. To Diamerisma einai Pleros Epiplomeno me Monterna Epipla kai Elektrikes Syskeyes. Diathetei Aytonome THermanse antlia thermotetas , Koyphomata Aloyminioy me Sites. Diathetei Boiler, kai echei ginei THermoprosopse. Kaleste mas anapherontas ton Kodiko akinetoy e steilte mas e-mail. Kapoios apo ten omada toy ktematomesitikoy grapheioy mesitikaioan.gr-AGORA AKINETON EPEIROY tha antapokrithei amesa sten zetese sas ypodeiknyontas to sygkekrimeno akineto e alla akineta poy tairiazoyn stis anagkes sas.