www.clockrealestate.gr - Kodikos akinetoy #18206 - THessalonike, Kato Toympa: Enoikiazetai diamperes Gkarsoniera 57t.m. prosopseos, ston 1o oropho, me asanser, me aytonome thermanse. Apoteleitai apo 1 ypnodomatio, salonokoyzina, entoichismene ntoylapa, apotheke kai mpanio. Einai kataskeyasmene to 2006 kai diathetei synthetika koyphomata, porta asphaleias, exoterike (kalymmene) these stathmeyses, klimatismo, energeiake klase G, dapeda apo plakaki. Einai idanike gia phoitetes e ergazomenoys me elachista koinochresta.
Time 550€
| Kodikos Akinetoy: #18206
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