78 resultados para:

agencias inmobiliarias en la provincia de Acaia



    --A new proposal in the real estate market. The company "Tzeli Real Estate" operates in the center of Patras , offering a pleasant environment with panoramic views of the capital of Achaia .   The company's goal with our experienced staff and in combination with impeccable service , is to meet your every need and desire to find property .   Trust us with the assignment of your property and we will find for you the ideal tenant or buyer .   The company undertakes estimates of real estate and retail stores , renovations , issue of certificates of arbitrary settlement , issuance of energy certificates , electrician plans and engineering licenses .______________

  • HELga

    OTHONOS AMALIAS, 45 - Πάτρα

    HELga___Real estate - Construction - Engineer HELga is a technical company active in the design and construction of construction projects and in the promotion of real estate in an innovative way for the time. It consists of engineers of all specialties experienced in the study and construction of buildings as well as planning legislation. He has been studying and constructing as an hour a wide range of buildings such as detached houses, apartment buildings, cottages, hotels, office buildings, shops and industrial buildings. HELga has decided to deal with the promotion of real estate not under the narrow limits of a Real Estate business but by providing the public with an in-depth view of each property. HELGA's exhibition and advisory service is provided by qualified engineers who are able to protect you and advise you on the suitability of each property according to the intended use you intend to install.


    Korinthoy, 65, Aigio Ellada, 25100 - Αίγιο

    A few words about us… With 20 years of experience in the field of Real Estate & Constructions, Dimitrios Droukas (Civil Engineer AM TEE 75927, Energy Inspector C class AM 3169, Certified Real Estate Valuer AM SEKE 1116, Building Inspector YPEKA AM 3452, Energy Auditor YPEKA AM 1563, Evaluator NSRF, Broker of civil contracts no. GEMH 130418816000)and his associates have deep knowledge of the market and can offer high quality services to customers who are interested in buying and investing in our area. Our office provides solutions in finding, selling and renting homes, business premises, plots, cottages, hotels but also in suggesting investment opportunities. The office "Droukas Real Estate" operates throughout Aegialia (Aigio, Digeliotika, Temeni, Valimitika, Nikolaika, Eleona, Rodia, Akrata, Longo, Selianitika, Abythos, Kamares, Erineo) and in the wider area of ​​Rio for Patras in the categories of real estate. Our main feature is reliability, honesty and sincerity, so do not hesitate to contact us by phone or electronically through our contact page.

  • E-mesitis Real Estate
    E-mesitis Real Estate

    Filopimenos 2 & Othonos Amalias - Πάτρα

    The need for housing and our investment has created an expectation to fulfill. We are close to you with an expanded property portfolio that suits both professional and your family needs! Given the difficulties of the days are not allowed to lose valuable time and especially your financial interests so we have prepared the solution. With our financial expertise and a strong partner network we are able to offer you the space that suits your needs and especially in your liquidity.




  • Atallas (Greek Coast) Real Estate
    Atallas (Greek Coast) Real Estate

    Patras:Korinthou 162,Zante:Koliva 142 - Πάτρα

    “Greek Coast” real estate is activated on real estate market both in Greece and Europe, providing high quality services on our clients demands. Our properties are numerous and are located in Patras, Athens, Thessaloniki and Zakynthos (Zante ),Achaia ,land in front of the sea including all types of houses (maissonettes, villas, 1-bedroom houses etc land investments (for agricultural use, to build, by the sea etc) which are being renewed daily. As a group of experienced agents, engineers, accountants, attorneys and consultants we take into consideration your needs in order to find the ideal property for each one of our clients and conduct all the necessary actions (loans, bureaucracy actions, energy certificates, official agreements etc.) Only a combination of experience, expertise and knowledge of the market can give a required level of services in each country and internationally. There is always room for improvement when wanting to obtain a competitive edge on the market. Especially on a common and dynamically developing international real estate market. “Greek Coast” Real Estate and Greek Coast Zante specializes in services related to: • sale and rental of residential and business premises. • Estimate real estate with scientific and modern methods of collecting and evaluating benchmarks . • Granting land in collaboration with reliable manufacturers. • Promotional and marketing advice of real estate • Support in negotiation purchase or lease property • Legal advice by lawyers and notaries cooperating with our office • Technical advice by architects , civil engineers , surveyors , builders, decorators , etc. working with our office • undertake the approval process - disbursement of loans in the shortest time and with the best market conditions Our company manages a wide variety of real estate, offers numerous investment opportunities and is more than likely to fully cover your needs.


    Greece - Achaia- Patra - Amerikis 68 - Πάτρα

    LIFE AND COLOR TO YOUR HOME The ACHAIKO HOUSE REAL ESTATE started operating in property management in order to differentiate itself from the competition and offer customers innovative services with a different-modernist way. We have a leading role in the management of real estate in an ever expanding network of owners and sellers in the Achaean capital. Flexibility and expertise using the most appropriate and specialized technologies, dynamic web site construction company with continuous updating and management of social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter, as YouTube, which is also a key component to meet each individual 'unpredictable "perhaps the requirement of our customers. Dynamic promote both our website always seems to be among the first in relation to the categories of properties and areas where eidikeyomaste.Looking and shows in Greek and foreign large estate sites. Our people with professionalism, creativity, team spirit and ethos that distinguishes them, succeeded in enhancing Achaean Home under conditions of intense competition, as the most dynamic and innovative presence in the real estate. The ultimate goal of our work is the satisfaction of our customers.

  • RE/MAX Vision
    RE/MAX Vision

    1 Kapsali str. (Othonos Amalias Ave. & Aratou - Πάτρα

    RE/MAX in Peloponnese, also in the Achaean Capital – RE/MAX Vision in Patras From our brand-new office in the centre of Patras, we have commenced our activity in January 2010 with the vision to offer the highest standards and most complete services in the Real Estate business. With excellent training and supreme knowledge of the Realty market and business, we are able to satisfy every Real Estate need. Are you interested in a property purchase, sale or rental? Are you looking for a house, an apartment, an office, a store or a shop to buy, sell or rent? Are you a landlord, a tenant or a constructor that would like to promote or find a property or a land smoothly and hassle-free? Are looking for the local expertise? We would love to hear from you in RE/MAX VISION in order to achieve together your real estate goals. We have the resources, we know the way.


    ARATOY 28 - Πάτρα

    The space will accommodate your family or your business is one of the most important steps on the road to marital happiness and professional success . It is a place that will fully meet your requirements and suit your personality . To find the ideal place , the at Real Estate offers comprehensive services to support professional real estate consultants across the Patras . With years of experience in this market and with absolute professionalism , • Recognize the importance of proper housing and investment , • Understand the need for fast , accurate and economic choices and • Pose as a first priority to your satisfaction . Our partners will find the ideal property for you , among hundreds of others, will identify and resolve any technical problems or legal nature associated with it, will take on your behalf negotiations will help in finding the right financing and you surrender your property , saving you time and money . Similarly, it would come in contact with the ideal prospective buyer or tenant of the property , you will carry out all negotiations and provide for you a source of income , easily , quickly and correctly. The man who will buy or rent your property out there somewhere ... We 'll find it for you. The people at Real Estate believe that these transactions are so important that decisions are life . For this reason, the at Real Estate combined experience in sales , knowledge of the real estate market, and continuing education in all matters concerning the ways easier and more efficient real estate transactions with reliability, professionalism , the respect to time and authentic human communication , which underpins our philosophy . The company's goal is to find in us the man who will come to your location and see things from your point of view . And these people are we ... AGGELOPOULOS-TSEKOURAS


    basileiadou 18 - Πάτρα



    Miaoyli Andrea, 31, Patra Ellada, 26222 - Πάτρα

    If you are looking for a property that meets your needs and preferences, contact our office! Through the hundreds of properties we have, we will suggest the ideal one for you! The investment opportunities, the availability and the variety of our properties will cover your needs without a second thought! Contact us and make an appointment immediately!

  • Smart  Deal P.C.
    Smart Deal P.C.

    Evmilou 14 - Πάτρα

    For Sale, For Rent,For Buy, for You... Our company was founded with the aim of upgrading of real estate transactions in our city, for better and complete service. So you are confident that working with well trained and qualified real estate professionals on the Sale / Buy / Rent / Lease and management of real estate and real estate transactions. Our company operates in Patras since 2008 namely (with Smart Deal name from November 2012) It employs over 10 highly trained counselors Real Estate - Realtors. It manages over 2,000 properties a year in the wider region of Patras. We address locally, nationally and globally through our partner network. We have a public object. To meet all your needs regarding real estate. • In the best possible price. • The minimum time. • With the best terms of the market. • Without any effort from you. • Achieving your satisfaction. That we will work for you for free and only if completely satisfied with our work and only then will you have the obligation to pay us the rental price that we have pre-arranged. In addition, if you yourself, or anyone you know, a relative or friend is interested in a sale, purchase, lease or compensation of property you can contact me for one free update. We'd love to meet your highest standards.



    ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΦΟΙΤΗΤΕΣ Σας ενημερώνουμε πως για την περίοδο της μετεγκατάστασης των φοιτητών λειτουργεί ειδικό πολυμελές τμήμα άμεσης εξυπηρέτησης, στελεχωμένο από εξειδικευμένους συμβούλους ακινήτων στον τομέα μίσθωσης φοιτητικών κατοικιών. Οι υποψήφιοι μισθωτές μπορούν να επιλέξουν μέσα από ειδικό χαρτοφυλάκιο αποκλειστικής διάθεσης ακινήτων, μεγάλου εύρους επιλογών. Διατίθεται προς τους πελάτες που επικοινωνούν και κλείνουν ραντεβού δωρεάν στάθμευση επί της οδού Γεροκωστοπούλου & Ρήγα Φεραίου (πλατεία Γεωργίου), μόλις 20μ. απόσταση από τα κεντρικά γραφεία μας. Παρέχεται δυνατότητα οδικής μεταφοράς με δικά μας αυτοκίνητα για την υπόδειξη ακινήτων και της πόλης μας. Ευχόμαστε καλή σταδιοδρομία και καλή φοιτητική ζωή! Η ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΜΑΣ H Kopanitsanos Real Estate εδρεύει στην πόλη της Πάτρας και είναι ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα και πρωτοιδρυθέντα κτηματομεσιτικά γραφεία της Ελλάδας. Ιδρύθηκε και λειτουργεί απο το 1961. - Οικονομολόγοι - Μηχανικοί ΠΕ - Πιστοποιημένοι Σύμβουλοι Ακινήτων - Πτυχιούχοι (Παν/μίου) Εκτιμητές Ακινήτων 63 χρόνια ολοκληρωμένες υπηρεσίες στον χώρο του Real Estate Πλοηγηθείτε στο χαρτοφυλάκιο ακινήτων της Kopanitsanos Real Estate since 1961 και ενημερωθείτε για οικιστικά και επαγγελματικά ακίνητα στη Δυτική Ελλάδα καθώς και για Επιλεγμένες Πολυτελείς Κατοικίες, Γή, Επαγγελματικούς Χώρους και όλων των κατηγοριών τις Ξενοδοχειακές Μονάδες σε ολόκληρη την Ελλάδα. Διατίθενται επιπλέον ακίνητα που δεν προβάλλονται με διαφημίσεις στο διαδίκτυο για λόγους ιδιωτικότητας των πελατών μας και ανταγωνισμού. Επικοινωνήστε τηλεφωνικώς ή επισκεφτείτε τα γραφεία μας και ενημερωθείτε από το χαρτοφυλάκιο 4,000 επιλεγμένων ακινήτων της KOPANITSANOS REAL ESTATE SINCE 1961. Εξήντα δύο χρόνια δίπλα σας έχουμε αναπτύξει το δυναμικότερο χαρτοφυλάκιο όπου καλύπτει οποιαδήποτε ζήτηση τοποθεσίας, ποιότητας, απόδοσης και τιμής. ----------------- KRE is a family owned and operated Company established in 1961. It serves the Residential and Commercial Greek Real Estate Market by offering a wide range of high-quality products and services in most areas of Greece. Our services include: valuations, consulting, acquisitions, sales, leasing, management and development of Residential, Commercial, Investment and Corporate Real Estate. Since its establishment, we have successfully undertaken a great number of major deals and projects. Our client agenda includes: a variety of second-home buyers from different parts of the globe, the public sector such us the government and local civil authorities, as well as the private sector such as banks, local and multinational organizations/businesses, joint ventures, constructors, developers, etc.


    Maizonos 142 - Πάτρα



    Pavlou Mela 17-19 - Αίγιο

    CONTROL" Real Estate Agent has been active in real estate market since 2006. Our office is located in Achaia, on 17-19 Pavlou Mela street, Aigio, zip code 25100,Peloponnese,Greece. We specialize in sales and rental properties of homes, apartments, land and commercial properties(hotels,land ,stores,offices). Our specialized team are here to assist you with the best properties to suit your needs.


    Maizonos 185 Patra, Patra, 26222 - Πάτρα

    Finding home and real estate easier and easier than ever before. VS Real Estate was created to serve the needs of modern people to find the ideal property, effortlessly and without hassle, quickly and efficiently. Make your search through the available properties of VS Real Estate easily through your computer, tablet or mobile phone and contact us for an appointment. Give us your property through the easy-to-use application of our website and make sure we manage it with the best possible result for you.-


    Ploytonos, Patra 26332 - Πάτρα

    The real estate agency "MASTER AGENCY" always undertakes with professionalism the valuation, rental or sale of your property by providing complete and specialized services in the buying and selling of real estate. We have a wide range of properties that can meet all requirements. Our 6 years of experience in the field of real estate enables us, with a rich portfolio of real estate, to serve our clients' needs and provide real advice in your best interest, always with honesty and respect. Assure us that we will always be accurate and trustworthy towards you, respecting your goals. We listen to your needs and desires, we work with method and together with our partners we ensure that as our customer you will receive high quality services, fully covering your needs. The real estate agency has notaries and lawyers for the absolute assurance and validity of your purchase. Visit our office to search for the property you are interested in. Through the hundreds of properties managed by our company the investment opportunities, availability and variety of our properties will surely meet your needs.


    Othonos-Amalias, 77, Patra Ellada, 26221 - Πάτρα

    ALPHA PROPERTIES real estate is a business started in 2000 and offers real estate services as well as civil engineering-architectural support. Our professionals cover a broad spectrum in terms of technical support, building and financial laws, offering great expertise in the real estate market. Find us at: www.alphaproperties.gr

  • Keller Williams West
    Keller Williams West

    - - Πάτρα


  • Intrust Solutions
    Intrust Solutions

    othonos amalias 90 a miaoulh - Πάτρα

    IN Trust Solutions is a company that has 20 years on the domestic market of service,remaind a modern company that follows the development in real estate. Our Company provides intergrated solutions in real estate brokerages. Our experience and expertise in intergrated services are the building block in supporting the needs and expectations of our costumers.Our deep knowledge of Real estate and finance can help us find you a solution to every problem and need. Our Philosophy The property Is the most expensive product on the market. For the average buyer/seller,this transaxtion may be the most important thing in his life and the results of efforts of a life time INtrust Solutions Philosophy is to respond with consistency and completeness to every small or big need of the buyer / seller and to provide high quality real estate services that evolve expand and are enriched constantly. The anthropocentric character of INtrust Solutions is expressed in every field of activity of the company but particularly in the service, which is exemplary in every service that concers Real Estate with full service in real estate and finance services Services Website information and immediate finding of buyers or sellers Service exclusive estate agent service for property sale Domestic And global real estate research Estimation of real estate Protection techniques, and real estate transparency Investment Advisory Real Estate Advisory Issuing of loans Property advisory Green building Construction

  • Achaiki Real Estate
    Achaiki Real Estate

    Panagiotopoulon 3-5 - Αίγιο

    Achaiki Mesitiki is a real estate agency located at Aigio, Achaia. With dignity, professionalism and ethics we ensure your excellent service. As a guarantee for our customers is the organized and integrated business which our office offers. With our extensive experience of the Greek reality, which is necessary for proper organization and with respect to the customer, we ensure a pleasant cooperation with guaranteed results.

  • Blueland real estate
    Blueland real estate

    Meilixou 176 - Πάτρα


  • SN Real Estate
    SN Real Estate

    Palaion Patron Germanoy 96 Patra, 26225 - Πάτρα

    The real estate agency SN REAL ESTATE, based in Patras, is active with great success in the field of real estate brokerage. SN REAL ESTATE is a well organized real estate agency in Patras, with a large number of real estate and well-trained partners in the Real Estate Services sector.From a large portfolio for sale, such as villas, houses, apartments, plots and hotels, you can choose the perfect property with the help of our team to discuss your requirements and your financial mood. The team of our carefully selected and experienced collaborators takes care of understanding the customer's needs and offering the right solution to fulfill his expectations as best as possible.Also, it is important to estimate the market value of the property, which is affected by qualitative and time factors. SN REAL ESTATE is at your disposal to provide you with all the necessary information that will help you reach the most profitable and satisfactory decision for you when assigning your property. We provide all types of real estate, renting, buying and selling houses, plots, business premises, hotels, businesses as well as property valuation. Further services of our office are offered in collaboration with experienced and well-known associates (Notaries, Lawyers, Civil Engineers) offering: Management, Insurance coverage & property protection, Legal support.


    Theagenoys, 1, Patra Ellada, 26335 - Πάτρα

    -Το Georgia-Home ιδρύθηκε από την Γεωργία Γεωργοπούλου με μοναδικό στόχο την εξυπηρέτηση των πελατών της στο χώρο της μεσιτείας. Οι συνεργάτες του γραφείου είναι αφοσιωμένοι στην επαγγελματική και προσωπική τους ανάπτυξη και εξέλιξη, εξασφαλίζοντας με αυτόν τον τρόπο, την υψηλή ποιότητα και την αποτελεσματικότητα των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών. Καθώς η εταιρεία έχει αναπτυχθεί όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, έχει διευρύνει το φάσμα των πωλήσεων και των υπηρεσιών διαχείρισης ακινήτων που τώρα περιλαμβάνουν: Εύρεση / Πώληση / Ενοικίαση ακινήτου

  • Akinita Patras
    Akinita Patras

    Zakynthoy 23, Patra 26441 - Πάτρα

