Kodikos akinetoy: 1-1138 - Gerakas Kentro POLEITAI diamerisma ston 1 o oropho synolikes epiphaneias 100 t.m. . Apoteleitai apo 3 ypnodomatia, salokoyzina, mpanio kai WC. H kataskeye xekinese to 2024 me energeiake klase A+ kai diathetei thermanse antlia thermotetas, thea se anoichto orizonta, koyphomata aloyminioy, patomata apo plakaki, porta asphaleias, entoichizomenes ntoylapes, anelkystera, prosbase AMEA, parkingk, apotheke 6 t.m., kepo, tzaki, synagermo, sites, dipla tzamia, eliako thermosiphona, anoichtosia - Time: 350.000 €
Se triplokatoikia me tria orophodiamerismata, poleitai ypo anegerse, diamerisma A orophoy 100tm, energeiakes kategorias A+, me parkingk kai apotheke. Me sygchrones prodiagraphes, thermoprosopseis, antlies thermotetas me fan coils, eliako thermosiphona, thyroteleorase, proegkatastase gia synagermo kai phortise elektrikoy aytokinetoy. Sto kentro toy Geraka, poly konta sten agora kai ton kombo toy Stayroy Agias Paraskeyes. |||| Oi plerophories kai ta charakteristika ton akineton echoyn katachoristei basei ton plerophorion kai stoicheion poy proskomise o entoleas. |||| To semeio sto charte den antapokrinetai sten pragmatike dieythynse toy akinetoy. |||| Kata ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy einai aparaitete e astynomike taytoteta e o A.PH.M, symphona me ton Nomo N.4072/2012 - PHEK 86/A/11-4-2012 ||| The information and characteristics of the properties have been entered based on the information and data provided by the principal. ||| The point on the map does not correspond to the real address of the property. ||| When indicating the property, a police ID or A.F.M is necessary, according to Law N.4072/2012 - Official Gazette 86/A/11-4-2012
|| Oi plerophories kai ta charakteristika ton akineton echoyn katachoristei basei ton plerophorion kai stoicheion poy proskomise o entoleas. || To semeio sto charte den antapokrinetai sten pragmatike dieythynse toy akinetoy. || Kata ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy einai aparaitete e astynomike taytoteta e o A.PH.M, symphona me ton Nomo N.4072/2012 - PHEK 86/A/11-4-2012 || Gia psephiake ypographe entoles ypodeixes akinetoy apaiteitai e apostole antigraphoy taytotetas e diabaterioy || E mesitike amoibe gia agores akineton einai 2%+PHPA epi tes symphonetheisas times agoras kai gia enoikiaseis isopose enos enoikioy+PHPA.