THrakomakedones monokatoikia 400tm polyteloys kataskeyes trion epipedon ( emiypogeioy photeino me parathyra kai porta eisodoy 152,80tm - yperypsomenoy isogeioy 130,44tm, 1oy orophoy 117,50tm ) apoteloymene apo 3 y/d ek ton opoion to ena master, 2 mpania, wc, 2 koyzines, megalos choros ypodoches me tzaki eniaia trapezaria, deytero kathistiko me boethetiko koyzinaki, aytonome thermanse petrelaioy, kepos, bbq, theseis stathmeyses, apothekeytikos choros, se exairetike these me kataplektike thea olo to lekanopedio, phakelos akinetoy etoimos pros metabibase, Lampou Properties Real Estate Office tel. 2102923750