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agences immobilières à Kaminia - Palaia Kokkinia


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Nous vous proposons ci-après une liste d'agences avec des annonces immobilières dans la région
  • Exelixis Brokers
    Exelixis Brokers

    Nisyroy, 1, Peiraias Ellada, 18543 - Καμίνια – Παλαιά Κοκκινιά

    Exelixis Brokers is a newly established and rapidly growing real estate company based in the city of Piraeus, primarily operating in the greater Attica region. Our expertise lies in the sale and rental of residential properties, commercial spaces, land, and other types of real estate, offering tailored real estate services with consistency, reliability, and professionalism. At Exelixis Brokers, we place great emphasis on building personal relationships with our clients, founded on trust and open communication. Our goal is to provide the best real estate solutions that fully meet their needs and preferences.