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Venizeloy Eleytherioy, Gazi Ellada, 71414 - Γάζι
C&P Lagos Real Estate Το κτηματομεσιτικό γραφείο το οποίο δίνει βάση στην ταχύτητα, την αποτελεσματικότητα και στην ευγένεια. Η επιλογή σας για την αγορά/πώληση σας ή την ενοικίαση σας αποτελεί για εμάς στόχο υλοποίησης!
- Texniki-Mesitiki Etaireia
- Sur Indomio.gr depuis 1 an
Η εταιρεία μας αναλαμβάνει: Οικοδομικές άδειες, τοπογραφικά διαγράμματα, τακτοποιήσεις κτιρίων, άδειες καταστημάτων. Μελέτες προγραμμάτων ΕΣΠΑ, LEADER, Αναπτυξιακού Νόμου, Εξοικονομώ. Δηλώσεις Κτηματολογίου Πωλήσεις ακινήτων Κατασκευή και ανακαίνιση κτιρίων
- Smart House
Ethinikis antistaseos 57 - Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
Smart House Real Estate. BUYINGS-SALES-HIRES of real estate. Find your new house here,to SmartHouse. www.SmartBrokers.gr
Psaron, 7, Irakleio Ellada, 71306 - Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
Kalokairinou 170, Heraclion, Crete - Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
.Welcome to EPROPERTIES - THEOHARAKIS, real estate agents in Heraklion, Crete. When it comes to the properties you see on our site, I can guarantee that: They are available: The site is updated frequently. Once a property is sold or rented, it is taken off the site immediately. Of course, any property can be rented without us and it is possible that the landlord might fail to inform us of this. However, we will discover this during our regular checks and we will then remove the property from the site. All information is accurate: We are not the owners. We have no reason to exaggerate, or 'highlight' a property if it's not worth it. And, much more importantly, we don't want to put you (and us) to the trouble of visiting it and wasting everyone’s time. When there are disadvantages to a property, we mention them. Everything has a price: Don’t you find it very suspicious when there is no price for a listing? This never happens with us. Our goal: Our goal is to provide our customers with a great service without putting them (or ourselves) to any trouble. We always work according to the philosophy I described before and, with the help of a wide selection of visual material (as many photos and videos as we can), we display the property as fully and accurately as possible. We will manage it! Alert service: With the 'alert' service, you can automatically be notified by email of any property on our books which matches your search criteria. In this way, you will get information faster, see more suggestions, and more suitable suggestions, and you are sure to find better property than someone who does not have this service. There is no charge for this alert service. Ultimately, what you gain is time. And you also avoid being irritated. How many times have you been to see a property that was completely different from the one described to you? It has happened to us far too many times! We will continue to take on properties which are worthwhile, and to present them to you as truthfully and objectively as we can. Yours, Costas Theocharakis, MBA
- Asty Estate
Harilaou Trikoupi 21 - Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
Asty Estate is active in Heraklion of Crete and is located in Harilaou Trikoupi 21 (Center). Our team of experts will find the ideal property for your expectations.