In a suburb of the city of Nafplio, 5 minutes from the city,
In a suburb of the city of Nafplio, 5 minutes from the city,
In a suburb of the city of Nafplio, 5 minutes from the city,
In a suburb of the city of Nafplio, 5 minutes from the city,
In a suburb of the city of Nafplio, 5 minutes from the city,
In a suburb of the city of Nafplio, 5 minutes from the city,
In a suburb of the city of Nafplio, 5 minutes from the city,
In a suburb of the city of Nafplio, 5 minutes from the city,
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Terreno edificabile in Vendita

€ 50.000
530 m²


Annuncio aggiornato il 23/09/2024

riferimento: EK-179519

Σε προάστιο της πόλης του Ναυπλίου , 5 λεπτά από την πόλη, πωλείται οικόπεδο 530τ.μ. άρτιο και οικοδομήσιμο. Έχει δυνατότητα δόμησης 200τ.μ. Βρίσκεται σε ανεπτυγμένη οικοδομικά , ήσυχη περιοχή.
Se vuoi saperne di più, puoi parlare con Δημήτρης Λιβιτσάνος.
Vendita | Immobile a reddito
Terreno edificabile
530 m²
Area edificabile
480 m²
Accesso in strada/servitù di passaggio
In autostrada
Informazioni sul prezzo
€ 50.000
Prezzo al m²
94 €/m²
Scopri ogni angolo dell'immobile
+3 foto
Opzioni aggiuntive

Contatta l'inserzionista

Δημήτρης Λιβιτσάνος