BOYLA - Panorama sten chamele zone, sto teliko stadio, emiteles, monokatoikia 3 anexarteton diamerismaton me asanser, entos oikopedoy 400tm me Notio elioloysto prosanatolismo . 1os orophos, epiphaneias 40 tm me chol, choriste koyzina, 1 mpanio me patari, eniaio kathistiko me y/d, beranta 1.60 x 6m, me thea thalassa ,exodos sten piso pleyra se ayle me thea thalassa. 2os orophos, orophodiamerisma 115tm me aneto choro ypodochesme tzaki , choriste eyrychore koyzina, 1 wc, se anisopede diataxe 2 y/d, 1 mpanio,1 grapheio, ta opoia echoyn exodo se ayle kai beranta 7 x 4.30m me poly kale thea thalassas. 3os orophos, orophodiamerisma 74 tm me kathistiko me tzaki, choriste koyzina, 2 y/d, 1 mpanio, beranta 7 x 4.50m me exairetike thea thalassa. Ta diamerismata diathetoyn marmarina dapeda, dipla tzamia, pantzoyria aloyminioy, proegkatastase eliakoy, asanser, atomiko roloi DEE - EYDAP ekasto ,aytonomia thermanses petrelaioy, spatoylarismene ole e esoterike toichopoiia, katharo ypsos 3 metra to kathe diamerisma. Ekdose 1es adeias to 1981. Time zones 2500€. Se apostase 700 metron apo ten plateia toy Agioy Nektarioy, 3 chlm apo to kentro tes Boylas, 3,5 chlm apo ten A plaz Boylas, 21 chlm apo to aerodromio.