Kallithea, CHarokopoy, Diamerisma Pros Polese, 110 t.m., Katastase: ypo kataskeye, Orophos: 5os, 1 Epipedo/a, 2 Y/D 1 Koyzina/es, 1 Mpanio/a, 1 WC, eniaio saloni koyzina,megalo saloni,choros trapezarias,megales berantes, THermanse: Atomike, Etos kataskeyes: 2024, Energeiako Pistopoietiko: A, 1 these/eis stathmeyses, Dapeda: granitoplakakia, Koyphomata: thermodiakoptomena, CHarakteristika: Asanser, Porta Asphaleias, THyroteleorase, Apotheke, Tzaki, Doryphorike Keraia, Kalodiake Teleorase, Internet, Dipla Tzamia, Sites, Berantes, Polyteles, Diamperes, Prosopseos, PHoteino, thermoprosopse, atomikos lebetas physikoy aerioy, proegkatastase eliakoy,synagermoy, apotheke sto ypogeio, minimal design, ypseles aisthetikes, 16 lepta me ta podia apo to stathmo ESAP ``Kallithea``, 9 lepta me to aytokineto apo to Politistiko idryma ``Stayros Niarchos``, Konta se: sygkoinonies,agora,scholeia, Time: 350.000€. Rezato Properties Real Estate, email: info@rezatoproperties.gr