Patra, Pyrosbesteio: Kodikos Akinetoy: #7654 :Poleitai anakainismeno Diamerisma synolikoy embadoy 96t.m. prosopseos ston 4o oropho me asanser me kentrike thermanse petrelaioy. Apoteleitai apo 2 ypnodomatia, 1 koyzina, 1 saloni, exoterike apotheke kai 2 mpania. Einai kataskeyasmeno to 1978 kai diathetei thea ste thalassa, koyphomata aloyminioy me dipla tzamia, klimatismo, energeiake klase G, dapeda apo xylo, sites. To akineto proteinetai os ependytiko. Einai idaniko gia phoitetes e oikogeneies e ergazomenoys kai epitrepontai ta katoikidia. Time 130.000€
| Allo ena akineto poy sas ephere to VS REAL ESTATE. Gia na apophygete ten talaiporia, chresimopoieste ton tetrapsephio kodiko anaphoras toy akinetoy opos anagraphetai sten perigraphe toy otan epikoinoneite mazi mas e diaphoretika mporeite na chresimopoiesete ten anazetese gia to akineto sten istoselida e episkephtheite mas sto grapheio mas sten dieythynse Maizonos 185 Patra. VS REAL ESTATE - KTEMATOMESITIKES YPERESIES - SYMBOYLOI AKINETON. TELEPHONO EPIKOINONIAS: STATHERO: (+30)2614005158 KINETO: (+30) 6909735705 EMAIL: GIA PERISSOTERES PLEROPHORIES EPISKEPHTEITE TEN ISTOSELIDA MAS STEN DIEYTHYNSE: