Kodikos akinetoy: 3-1498 -
Analepse POLEITAI Pleros Anakainismene Gkarsoniera ston 1o oropho choris asanser synolikes epiphaneias 36 t.m. .
Apoteleitai apo 1 ypnodomatio, salokoyzina, mpanio .
Einai kataskeyasmene to 1965 kai anakainisteke to 2024.
Diathetei thermanse atomike - physiko aerio, thea se astiko topio, koyphomata energeiaka, patomata apo plakaki, porta thorakismene, ntoylapa, A/C, elektrikes syskeyes .
Oi photo einai endeiktikes .- Time: 107.000 €
Kodikos akinetoy: 3-1498
Ores epikoinonias:
09:00 - 21:00
Gia ten ypodeixe toy akinetoy, apaiteitai e proskomise tes taytotetas e toy diabaterioy kai to APHM kathos kai e katagraphe ayton symphona me ton N 4072 / 11-4-2012 PHEK 86A. Ta parapano stoicheia toy akinetoy einai katachoremena basei stoicheion poy proskomise o entoleas e o idioktetes toy akinetoy. E these kai to stigma sto charte einai endeiktike. Epikoinoneste mazi mas gia opoiadepote ktematomesitike sas anagke. BITSIMIS REAL HOMES Odysseos 7, THessalonike Tk: 546 29 Tel: +30 2315 150 765 , +30 6974 25 5272 email: info@bitsimis-real-homes.gr web: www.bitsimis-real-homes.gr GEME: 163031306000 MELOS S.M.A.S.TH. kai O.E.E.