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riferimento: 5895
Kodikos Akinetoy: #5895
Dikaioma: Pleres kyrioteta 100%
To akineto diatithetai meso elektronikoy pleisteriasmoy.
E anagraphomene time apotelei time protes prosphoras.
To grapheio mas analambanei ole ten diadikasia tes symmetoches sas.
Den epitrepetai e episkepse sto esoteriko ton akineton poy diatithentai meso pleisteriasmoy, symphona me ten Ellenike nomothesia.
To dikaioma symmetoches orizetai sto 30% tes times protes prosphoras kai katatithetai eos 3 ergasimes emeres prin ten dienergeia toy pleisteriasmoy. Se periptose anastoles e me katakyroses epistrephetai amesa.
E perigraphe toy akinetoy ginetai basei ton stoicheion toy titloy kteseos, meta apo exoterike aytopsia kata ten epitopia metabase kai symphona me ten Ekthese Ektimeses Akinetoy toy pistopoiemenoy ektimete toy Ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikon.
O mesites kai to mesitiko grapheio den pheroyn kamia eythyne apenanti ston yperthematiste gia opoiodepote nomiko e pragmatiko elattoma toy ekpleisteriazomenoy akinetoy. Kathe de endiapheromenos symmetechei ston dienergethesomeno pleisteriasmo apokleistika me dike toy eythyne aphoy proegoymenos kanei ton apaitoymeno elegcho.
E proothese toy akinetoy poy diatithetai meso pleisteriasmoy anatithetai sto grapheio mas apo ton epispeydonta.
Se vuoi saperne di più, puoi parlare con Σταύρος Ιωαννίδης.
Anno di costruzione
1991Certificazione energetica
EsenteΣταύρος Ιωαννίδης