Our company has been operating for 12 years. Our experience gives you security and assistance for any purchase of property also undertake the entire process takes as opening the account transfer money accounting and viza. Come in the hands of experts and enjoy the services of the real estate. We can find you through a network of brokers in our area the property that suits you. Contact us SIDERIS PLIATSIKIDIS,Realtor,Bpor. President Corinthians brokers Address: Real Estate SIDERIS Leof. Athinon 48 20300 Loutraki Greece E: info@realestatesideris.gr ΤEL: (+0030) 6932574060 MOB: (+0030) 6980040111 FAX: (+0030) 7007005001 SKYPE: (Real Estate Sideris) FACEBOOK: Sideris Pliatsikidis WEB: www.realestatesideris,gr