agenzie immobiliari a Efpalio
SKALOMA FOKIDAS-33056 - Ευπάλιο
99 annunci-Our office deals with selected properties. Our success is to promote every house (such as detached houses and apartments, shop, plot, etc. ) which we undertake either for rent or for sale, without hidden parties and agreements. Any interested seller, buyer or tenant, is immediately inform of any news we have about it. The demonstration of the properties is done electronically or with a guided tour, after a similar agreement. Our priority is the successful outcome of each contract and the duration of this success in the future.
- Ktimatomesitiki doridas
Eparhiaki Odos 18-Kastrakioy-Palaiomyloy, Eypalio 33056 - Ευπάλιο
27 annunciΤο γραφείο μας δραστηριοποιείται πάνω από 15 χρόνια με τεράστια εμπειρία στην ευρύτερη περιοχή αλλά και σε όλη την Ελλάδα